Page 8 - May 2019
P. 8

Cover Story
     An Australian F-35A aircraft takes off on a training
     mission at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, USA.
     Photo SGT Christopher Dickson

         political, financial or industrial – will   technological superiority and status.  of operational and staff posts in the UK
         be  needed  to  drive  the  change   1 .  The  RAF  has  decided  to  refer  to  a   and overseas during a 26 year military
         necessary to mitigate the divergence   ‘next  generation’  air  force  in  its  recently   career. He holds an MA and PhD in War
         or offset its effects. Set against these   published Royal Air Force Strategy in order   Studies from Kings College London.
         challenges,  these  air  forces  might   to emphasize the concept of integration and   Colonel Matthew Snyder is the USAF
         argue  that  their  national  security   to reduce the risk of the strategy being seen   exchange officer to the Strategy Division
         priorities over the next 10–15 years   to be platform based. See RAF, ‘Royal Air   in  the  French Air  Staff  in  Paris.  His
         are perfectly well met by remaining   Force Strategy: Delivering a World-Class   previous  assignment  was  as  Chief
         outside the F-35 programme and the   Air Force’, 2017.                 of  Nuclear  Deterrence  Operations
         fifth-generation capabilities of which   2.  Justin Bronk, ‘Maximum Value from the   at  the  Pentagon.  He  has  held  joint,
         it is a core element. They might also   F-35:  Harnessing Transformational  Fifth-  command, operational, maintenance,
         credibly contend that legacy assets   Generation Capabilities for the UK Military’,   and test assignments including combat
         are  inherently  less  vulnerable  to   RUSI Whitehall Reports, 1–16 (Feb. 2016),   experience in the B-2. He holds a
         disruption of the networks on which   p. viii.                         MSc  in  Space  Systems  from  the Air
         fifth-generation  platforms  rely  and   3.  Justin Bronk, ‘Maximum Value from the   Force  Institute  of Technology  and  a
         that the significant costs associated   F-35:  Harnessing Transformational  Fifth-  MA in International Relations from the
         with the programme could be more   Generation Capabilities for the UK Military’,   University of Oklahoma.
         efficiently apportioned elsewhere to   RUSI Whitehall Reports, 1–16 (Feb. 2016),
         meet those national priorities.    p. viii.                            This article reflects the authors’ own
           The  arguments  presented  in    André Adamson is a Wing Commander   views  and  not  the  official  policy  of
         this  article  suggest,  however,  that   in the RAF and military desk officer for   their respective organizations. It is an
         the  implications  of  this  approach   UK-France relations at the UK Ministry   abridged  version  of  a  longer  essay
                                                                                published in the Royal United Services
         in  the  longer-term  are  potentially   of Defence. His previous posting was   Institute (RUSI) Journal in August 2017.
         serious  and  that  there  will  be,   as an exchange officer in the Strategy
         sooner or later, a cost in terms of   Division of the French Air Staff in Paris,   Courtesy Joint Air Power Competence Centre
         capability, operational effectiveness,   prior to which he served in a wide variety

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