Page 6 - May 2019
P. 6

Cover Story
        multiplier  potential  of  the  aircraft.   environments. It also is a key element   As a US-led, but highly collaborative,
        This  includes  the  enhanced  data   in underpinning programmes such as   programme, development of the F-35
        management,  connectivity  and      Plan Jericho – the transformation to an   has drawn the partners together. The
        bandwidth  upgrades  required  to   integrated  networked  joint  force  that   sharing  of  technologies,  concepts,
        operationalize  and  fully  exploit  the   has combat power much greater than   tactics, training, maintenance, logistics
        capability that fifth-generation aircraft   the sum of its parts.       and procedures represent a significant
        offer  for  information-centric  warfare   Whereas  the  RAAF  is  looking  to   opportunity  for  fifth-generation  air
        and cross-platform connectivity.    upgrade its entire legacy fleet over the   forces. With the F-35 being operated by
           In  this  regard,  the  F-35  has  a   next decade, the majority of the F-35   so many states there are also substantial
        ‘forcing function’ for militaries looking   partners, including the US Air Force, will   prospects  for  tactical,  technical  and
        to adopt a fifth-generation standard.   need to run their legacy fleets alongside   conceptual innovation which will allow
        Naval  and  ground  forces  stand  to   their  fifth-generation  platforms  for   the aircraft to be highly ‘future-proof’
        benefit significantly from the network-  some  years  beyond  that.  The  RAF   without compromising issues such as
        centric,  cross-platform,  multiple-  and  Italian Air  Force,  for  example,   sovereignty, national defence industries
        shooter concept of operations of which   possess the highly capable Typhoon,   or strategic autonomy. All these elements
        the F-35 will form such a significant   a  fourth-generation  aircraft  with  high   contribute to powerful forces drawing
        element. As Justin Bronk suggests,   performance, an active scan radar, Link   the F-35 partners into what might be
        given the almost unlimited scope of   16 and a comprehensive air-to-air and   described as a fifth-generation ‘club’.
        connecting the F-35 to every system in   air-to-ground weapons suite. As Bronk   The level of international cooperation
        the battlespace, joint force commands   points out, in such cases investment in   is unprecedented, with pilots training
        will  be  compelled  to  invest  in  the   the F-35 and Typhoon should not be   together at the F-35 multinational pilot
        connectivity  and  bandwidth  for  the   seen as a binary choice as ‘each aircraft   training centre at Luke Air Force Base
        platforms  that  stand  to  provide  the   offer  strengths  to  complement  the   in Arizona, maintenance facilities being
        greatest  increase  in  combat  power   other’s  capabilities. The  combination   developed in Italy, Turkey, Norway and
        and  flexibility.   This  will  drive  the   of F-35 and Typhoon can be far more   The Netherlands, and a global logistics
        development of fifth-generation joint   potent than a force composed entirely   supply chain. The result is a deepening
        forces, a concept that has significant   of  either  type  in  many  operational   of cooperation between the partner air
        potential,  particularly  in  contested   scenarios’. 3                 forces, many of whom already possess

                                                                                   Driving development of fifth-generation
                                                                                       joint forces is the almost unlimited
                                                                                    scope of connecting the F-35 to every
                                                                                  system in the battlespace, a concept that
                                                                                    has significant potential, particularly in
                                                                                               contested environments.
                                                                                              Photo SGT Shane Gidall.

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