P. 72

BRYCE E. TUCKER….. (cont.)


             KEEPING YOUR FAITH In God to Overcome the Adversities You Will Surely Face:

             By keeping my faith in God and following the ways of Christ in my everyday walk, I will be  able  to  overcome
             any  obstacle  or  adversity  that  confronts  me.  High  school  is  where  I  first  encountered  adversity  worth
             noting.  My  family  instilled  in  me  the  importance  of  having  a  relationship with Christ at an early age. I gave
             my life to Christ and got saved at age 15. It was  through my relationship with Christ that I was able to deal with
             racial matters that angered or provoked me in high school. Through my volunteer work, I learned how to show
             compassion  and  empathy  for  others  facing  difficult  situations  I  could  never  imagine  going  through.  I  have
             learned that I do not always need to have the right answers or be a ‘fixer’ but that oftentimes,  actively listening
             is the key. My character was strengthened, my gratitude grew and my desire  to help others increased. My
             patience in dealing with the inexplicable also increased. Through  the gift of mentoring, I learned how to not
             focus on the anger and feelings of discomfort that I  experienced around race and cultural differences at my
             school, but instead stay true to myself,  my faith in God, and my desire to keep my mind and spirit clean—not
             giving into the ways of  negativity. I try to remain positive with my mind focused on Christ, which enables me to
             look  at every situation differently and with a sense of hope and optimism, because this is what God  wants us to
             do, even when it is hard to do sometimes.

             STAYING COMMITTED TO ACHIEVEMENT Academic Success, Individual Development, and Spiritual

             I will remain committed to achieve academic success by maintaining high goals for my studies and making time
             to study. I welcome the opportunity to interact, learn,  and exchange ideas in a learned environment with simi-
             larly situated individuals to  gain a great education and college experience. Education and experiences are the
             tools that I enjoy using to gather knowledge. With knowledge comes the power to  overcome ignorance and
             injustice.  Though  I  have  grown  tremendously  through  my  works  and  participation  with  the  different
             community organizations, I realize that  my personal development can only continue to grow by continuing in
             community  service and leadership opportunities, and above all, continuing to keep God first in  all that I do and

                 “Young Scholars Achieving As They Endure The Unknown”

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