Page 122 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 122

Carrousels of Sacramento

            OCTOBER 29, 2022

                                                                               “WHO DO YOU REALLY
                                                                                     WANT TO BE”

                                                                              Carrousel Barbara Ross hosted our
                                                                              sisters who dressed up as their alter
                                                                              ego. We had politicians, movie stars
                                                                              and the like, our mission was to guess
                                                                              who we portrayed.

            DECEMBER 18, 2022

            Carrousel Tamara DeVan-Gordon and her Carafella Walter Gordon hosted “The
            Gathering: A December to Remember." White elephant gifts, a dessert tasting contest,

            ugly Christmas sweaters
            and DJ Fiji blasting party
            jams. So glad to be together
            for the holidays and

            thankful for one another.

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