Page 125 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 125
MARCH 26, 2023
Carrousel LaKenya Jordan hosted Carrousels Mimosa Brunch & Wine Tasting
We met at the Wolfe Heights Winery and Event Center in Sacramento, California
at an absolutely breathtaking winery. We had a lovely brunch and tasted several
wines including the winery’s own labeled sparkling wine, Wink! I learned from the
last Carrousel meeting, not Champagne lol.
We danced to the sounds of an acoustic guitarist Devin and his side kick. They
even played James Brown, yes on an acoustic guitar. Yellow and white roses
and golden bags adorned
our beautifully set tables,
and you know it... there was
a gift. Our gift bag had a Tee-shirt with our
beautiful logo on it and a lovely wine glass.
We are looking forward to the rest of our meeting year and
have also started to meet and plan our 2025 convention. You
do not want to miss it!