Page 38 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 38

Kimbell Art Museum with
                       K        i m    b e  l l A       r t M             u  s e  u  m w       i t h


              Clinton Malone, Cheryl Malone, Richard Turner, Carolyn Evans Turner, Marlon Davis, Katrina Davis, Lauren
                                    McDonald, Sheila Glaze, Gregory Bouyer, Cecilia Hawkins.

            After years of enduring a          arranged for a personal docent    Gallery. After viewing the rich,

            pandemic quarantine, Dallas        to guide us through the exhibit   creative, and exquisite art, which
            Carrousels were excited to see     and provide history of the art. We   was enlightening and informative,
            each other in July 2022 at a much   also viewed the colorful artwork   we enjoyed a delicious lunch and
            anticipated in-person gathering.   of Kehinde Wiley, an African      lively conversation at The Social

            We attended a viewing of “The      American portrait painter, who    restaurant. It was a wonderful
            Language of Beauty in African Art”   created a 2018 portrait of Barack   ending to a day filled with
            at the Kimbell Art Museum in Ft.   Obama which is on display in the   ancestral history.
            Worth, Texas. Carrousel Lauren     Smithsonian’s National Portrait

            Virtual meetings resumed in September and October which allowed us to stay in touch, see each other, and
            share activities. Of course, Carrousel Katrina continued to engage us in fun and exciting games for prizes.
            November and December allowed everyone to exhale and spend time with our families during the holidays.

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