Page 67 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 67

                                                                Carrakid Jared delivered a comedic Best Man’s toast.
                                                                Hilarious it was!  Jared recently, boldly, and bravely
                                                                moved to New York City to perfect his comedic art
                                                                form while continuing his work in the gas and oil
                                                                Carrakid Alyson is busy making her dreams come

                                                                true as an entrepreneur. She subcontracts with a dog
                                                                grooming company and drives a van to homes all over
                                                                the Houston metropolitan area to bathe, pamper and
                                                                groom canine “children.” Carrakid Alyson loves her

                                                                work and plans to purchase a van soon.

            Carrousel Lorraine Breckenridge-Sterling and
                                                                We are proud of our newest tribe including one more
            Carrafella Leroy Sterling, Jr. report that the Sterling
                                                                daughter. We welcome Chloe with love and joy!
            family is having a great year! Her oldest, Carrakid
            Jordan, married Chloe Monet Cameron in an intimate
                                                                 Finally, Carrafella Leroy and I spent several weeks
            sunset ceremony at “The Cape Hotel”— a Thompson
                                                                in St. Thomas, the United States Virgin Islands where
            Hotel in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  One hundred
                                                                he is a Cardiologist at Schneider Regional Medical
            immediate family and closest friends to the couple
                                                                Center. While busy, it was a   blissful time enjoying
            attended the three-day weekend of festivities that
                                                                togetherness by the sun and sea. I look forward to
            culminated on the second of April 2023.  Everyone
                                                                having fun socializing with my Carrousel sisters in
            there truly enjoyed themselves!!!
                                                                Richmond, Virginia, in June. See you soon!

              More Houston News

              Emeritus Carrousel Margot Charles continues her love   Carrousel Marsha Penn took several trips last

              of travel which always includes her annual trip with   year. The first was to Orlando, Florida; and then
              family to New York during the Christmas holidays.   she spent Christmas with her twin brother’s family
              Margot loves to visit her hometown during this time   in Los Angeles, California. With the rise of digital

              of year and says “Christmas in New York is simply   connectivity, while in Dubai, Carrousel Marsha took
              wonderful and an amazing time because it is so     time to dial into the Houston Carrousels Chapter
              festive and vibrant during the holiday season.”    November virtual meeting. Her visit to Dubai was an
                                                                 unforgettable adventure. The travel group she is
                                                                 a member of is making plans for travel to Bali and

                                                                 Malaysia next.

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