Page 71 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 71

Kansas City Chapter of the Carrousels,



                                                              Carousel Janice and Carafella Everidge Cade are
                                                              celebrating their new and first grand baby, Yasmeen
                                                              Olivia Cade. Yasi, as she is called, is the daughter of
                                                              son Steven and daughter-in-love, Mayah Cade. The

                                                              happy baby is now eight months old living in Chicago
                                                              and is equipped with her own passport and is enjoying
                                                              her travels to Paris, California and Greater Kansas

                                                              City to visit her grandmothers, great grandmother, and
                                                              granddads! Congratulations to this beautiful baby girl
                                                              and her fabulous Carrousel grandparents!

                Carrousel Janice Cade, Carafella Everidge Cade, and

                            Yasmeen Olivia Cade

                                                      Danielle Davis, daughter of Carrousel Donna M. Davis, has formed
                                                      Pangea Dance Collective in New York City. After graduating

                                                      summa cum laude from the Fordham University/Alvin Ailey BFA
                                                      Program, Danielle is now seeking her master’s degree from
                                                      The New School in arts management and entrepreneurship.
                                                      According to Danielle, “Pangea Dance Collective  believes in

                                                      the power of dance as a universal language that can transcend
                                                      race, religion, gender, geographical borders, and everything that
                                                      divides humanity. We are committed to respecting the whole
                                                      artist and regard the dancer’s body as an archive that holds

                                                      incredible stories. As such, our works reflect and rely on the
                                                      unique experiences of our dancers in the hopes that we can make
             Danielle Davis, Executive and Artistic Director,
                                                      connections with diverse audiences.” For more information, visit:
                     Pangea Dance Collective

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