Page 13 - French and Electric Blue November 2015
P. 13

Worcester County District Attorney Joseph             The attendees also explored how                   At the end of the week, the participants – a cross
Early also addressed the 80 participants later in     monitoring social media and integrating           section of MSP troopers, local officers from 27
the week on the importance of the training and        technical services can further                    Massachusetts cities and towns, a Vermont state
necessity of working in concert statewide.            investigations during presentations               trooper, and several Massachusetts prosecutors
The idea for the training was fueled this summer      by Trooper Brian Gavioli of the MSP               – completed evaluations. Overall ratings were
when Lieutenant Colonel Dermot Quinn,                 Computer Crimes Unit, Sergeant David              excellent and many attendees contributed
Commander of the Division of Investigative            Crouse and Trooper A.J. Kardoos of                valuable feedback and ideas for future training
Services, consulted with retired MSP Detective        the MSP Technical Services Unit, and              initiatives. Colonel McKeon and Lieutenant
Lieutenant William Powers about training              Amy Thibault of the MSP Criminal                  Colonel Quinn said they intend to offer the
initiatives and opportunities for detectives.         Information Section/Commonwealth                  Medico-Legal Death Investigation Training on
Discussions quickly became actions and the idea       Fusion Center. Massachusetts Assistant            a yearly basis.
of a medico-legal (relating to both medicine and      Attorney General Chris Kelly discussed            As a footnote to the busy week, it is worth noting
law) training took shape. Powers, Middlesex           the legal issues surrounding the recovery         that, while not every training program pays
County Assistant District Attorney Adrienne           and preservation of digital evidence.             immediate dividends, in this case, this one did
Lynch, and DIS Program Coordinator Rosemary           The curriculum also included a case
Warren worked diligently to create a syllabus of      study of an actual homicide investigation                                 just that.
relevant topics and enlist a prestigious collection   by MSP Major Christopher Mason,
of presenters, all experts in their respective areas  Deputy Commander of the Division of
of subject matter.                                    Investigative Services, demonstrating
Each day of training presented a multitude of         the practical application of the subject
topics. The legal and prosecutorial aspects of        material. And Lieutenant Daniel
investigations and identifications involving          Richard from the Firearm and Explosion
unattended deaths, from children to elders, were      Investigation Unit and Trooper Keith
discussed in various presentations by District        Egan from the Worcester County State
Attorney Ryan, Norfolk County Assistant               Police Detective Unit led a session on
District Attorney Marguerite Grant, Middlesex         unresolved homicide cases.
Assistant District Attorneys Lynch, Suzanne           The week’s training culminated with a
Kontz, and Katharine Folger, and state Assistant      discussion about officer-involved and in-
Attorney General John Verner.                         custody death investigations, led by a panel
Medical and forensic aspects of death                 comprised of Suffolk County Assistant District
investigations, including determining the cause       Attorney Edward Zabin, Framingham Police
and manner of death, were addressed by Dr.            Chief Ken Ferguson, prominent labor attorney
Mindy Hull from the Office of the Chief Medical       Leonard Kesten, and Major Mason. The panel
Examiner, FBI Agent (retired) Gary Reinecke           was moderated by retired Detective Lieutenant
from the Boston University School of Medicine,        Powers. The spirited, two-hour conversation
MSP Crime Laboratory Chief Science Officer            gave each panelist the opportunity to explain
Kristen Sullivan, MSP Crime Scene Services            their roles in officer-involved and custody
Commander Detective Lieutenant Robin Fabry,           death cases, and to illuminate best practices to
MSP Firearms Identification Section Lieutenant        ensure fair and thorough investigations. The
David Cahill, and MSP Fire and Explosion              lessons learned by the panelists from their
Investigation Unit Sergeant Paul Horgan.              varied experience were particularly valuable to

                                                                                                        During the weekend
                                                                                                        following the training, a
                                                                                                        police officer in a local
                                                                                                        town shot and killed a
                                                                                                        suspect, while in another
                                                                                                        community, a person died
                                                                                                        while in police custody.
                                                                                                        Several of the officers who
                                                                                                        responded to both of these
                                                                                                        scenes had attended the
                                                                                                        training held just days

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