Page 8 - French and Electric Blue November 2015
P. 8

Serving the Nations Bravest
 MSP Provides Security for Medal of Honor Convention

“Poor is the nation that has no heroes, but Shameful is the nation that has them and forgets.”

By Trooper David Cravedi                                             -Unkown Author

From September 15-20, 2015, the City of Boston hosted the
    Congressional Medal of Honor Society’s Convention. Held
annually, the convention brings together the Nation’s living
Congressional Medal of Honor recipients to honor their acts of
heroism in service of their country.

The Medal of Honor Society endeavors to promote the legacy of
these individuals and the ideals and virtue with which they live
and served. Listed among many of the Society’s goals is to “Form
a bond of friendship and comradeship among all holders of the
Congressional Medal of Honor, to inspire and stimulate our
youth to become worthy citizens of our country and to foster and
perpetuate Americanism.”

Out of the 3,495 Congressional Medal of Honor recipients, 78 are     The State Police Operational Plan for site security and dignitary
living. This year, 42 of these brave heroes who served during World  protection was directed by Detective Lt. Brian O’Riordan of the
War II, Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan attended the Boston          Office of the Superintendent and Troop F Lieutenant Rick Ball and
convention. This year marked the third time the city was chosen to   Sergeant Steve Lopes. During their stay, recipients were escorted to
serve as host. Boston also held the convention in 2001 and 2006.     numerous venues by Division of Investigative Services members,
In 2001, the convention was postponed more than a month due to       while additional site security and escorts were provided by the
the 9/11 terrorists attacks.                                         MSP Division of Field Services, including members of the Special
Prior to the convention, the Massachusetts State Police partnered    Tactical Operations Team and Motorcycle Unit.
with the City of Boston and members of our armed forces to
provide security, transportation and logistical support for the
Society and recipients.

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