P. 39

Uncountable nouns can be made countable if

                          we put the quantity information before the Noun.

                          •  A glass of water.                     •  Cup of tea.

                                 Uncountable  nouns  are  considered  neither

                          singular  nor  plural  but  require  a  singular  verb

                          form. In uncountable nouns, there is no addition

                          of the unit 'a', which indicates that an object is a

                          singular  object,  or  the  addition  of  “-s/es”  to

                          indicate an object is called plural (because there

                          is no singular or plural form).

                          •  Your bread is rotten.

                                 Uncountable  nouns  can  be  added  with  the

                          words  little  (a  little),  much  (a  lot),  and  a

                          large/small amount of (very much/little).

                          •  I need a little bread.

                                 You  can  express  an  uncountable  noun  with

                          units  (one  or  more  quantities)  through  an

                          uncountable expression.

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