Page 21 - Personal Profile October 21
P. 21
Continuous Improvement
Red = Urgent action required;;
Yellow = Below standard;
Green = Company standard.
Performance Monitoring Jan Performance Monitoring July
Vincent developed a system to rapidly improve performance. The above charts represents the actual
improvements over a 7 month period and is typical of the type of results achieved in most of the companies
he worked for. He typically scores key parts of the organisation including employee observation reports,
inspections, audits and supervisor performance.
The system encourages buy-in from managers & supervisors and introduces an element of healthy
competition between different workplaces, departments and supervisors etc. with impressive results.
The information contributed to companies winning more lucrative contracts as part of the tendering process
and submission to winning contracts and have helped companies win Health and Safety awards.
Vincent believes passionately about promoting the benefits of good Safety as a means of encouraging the
development of a strong “can do” culture.