Page 24 - Personal Profile October 21
P. 24

Rewarding Good Safety

     ● One  of  the  most  important  things  in
          developing  a  strong  Safety  culture  is
          rewarding  people who make the effort
          to improve standards.

     ● Another  is  to  coach  individuals  who                ● We introduced an award ceremony for
          don’t meet the standards.                                 the best supervisors and  most compli-

                                                                    ant workers which was based   upon a
     ● Vincent had great success in changing
          the safety culture on a project where                     scoring system over the month.
          the culture was     originally poor taking           ● Workers who remained compliant over
          it  to  high  compliance  levels  within  3               the month were placed in a draw to win
          months.                                                   vouchers of 50 CHF.

     ● This was achieved by monitoring    the                  ● At the end of month there were presen-
          performance  of  supervisors/workers                      tations  in  which  workers  took  great
          and coaching them on achieving  good                      interest to find out who won the prizes.
          practice.  The client acknowledged  the
          significant  efforts  the  company  were             ● Safety  quizzes  and  spot  the  hazards
          making to improve Safety standards.                       were introduced to encourage workers
                                                                    to get involved with safety initiatives.

                                                               ● This  helped  the  company  reach  over
                                                                    500,000  man-hours  without  a  Lost
                                                                    Time Incident, (LTI).
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