Page 9 - Personal Profile Rev
P. 9

Health and Safety - Safety in Construction

                                                                           Vincent’s first role in construction Health and Safety was at the Trafford Shopping
                                                                           Centre in Manchester, a £360 million fast-track construction project employing more
                                                                           than 3,500 workers at its peak and was one of the largest UK’s projects at the time.
                                                                           The  H.S.E.  were  so  impressed  with  the  Health  and  Safety  standards  during  the
                                                                           project they invited the Health and Safety Commission to view the site. Following the
                                                                           completion of the Trafford Centre, he was promoted to Regional Health and Safety
                                                                           Manager for the midlands.

                                                                           Vincent worked for Lagan and Irish Asphalt during which an number of construction
                                                                           projects were completed, constructing new manufacturing plants in the Irish Republic.
                                                                           This included ensuring that Lagan as the client, Project Supervisor Design Stage and
                                                                           Project Supervisor Construction Stage were fully legally compliant.

                                                                           Vincent took up a role as Group Health and Safety Manager for a northern Irish based
                                                                           Construction company, based in Belfast that had experienced rapid growth. His remit
  Bank of Ireland                                                          was to ensue the company was fully compliant  He wrote the Safety Management
                                                                           System  covering  all  aspects  of  construction  management  including  client,  CDM
                                                                           Co-ordinator and Principal Contractor and was heavily involved with safety
                                                                           inspections, auditing, training coaching management, preparing board reports and
                                                                           investigating accidents. The company went into administration in 2007.

                                                                           Vincent was contracted to the Bank of Ireland working for Group Property Services.
                                                                           He was the client representative on all construction related projects and liaised with
                                                                           the  senior  management  team,  taking  an  active  role  in  developing  procedures  to
                                                                           ensure  all  aspects  of  construction  related  work,  new  builds,  refurbishment  and
                                            TAGGART                        maintenance  projects  were  fully  compliant.    He  improved  the  management  and
                                                                           performance of contractors and improved standards across the department.

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