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FCA Adjusts Civil Monetary Penalties.
SBA Requests Comment on Community
Advantage Pilot Program. The Farm Credit Administration (FCA) has
issued a final rule implementing inflation
SBA has issued a notice requesting comment on adjustments to civil monetary penalties. The
an information collection submitted to SBA by final rule is effective 01/31/2017. The final rule
lenders that are applying for participation in may be viewed at:
SBA’s Community Advantage Pilot Program.
SBA uses the information to evaluate the 31/pdf/2017-01065.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
lenders’ eligibility and qualifications for 82, No. 19, 01/31/2017, 8807-8809.
participation in the pilot program. Comments
are due 03/27/2017. The notice may be viewed FCA Issues Market Access Agreement.
25/pdf/2017-01585.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. FCA has announced that it has approved the
82, No. 15, 01/25/2017, 8484. Draft Third Amended and Restated Market
Access Agreement (Draft Third Restated MAA)
FSA Requests Comment on Information proposed to be entered into by all of the banks of
Collections. the Farm Credit System (System or FCS) and
the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding
• The Farm Service Agency (FSA) has Corporation. The Draft Third Restated MAA
issued a notice to announce it seeks comment on sets forth the rights and responsibilities of each
the information collection titled Farm Loan of the parties when the condition of a System
Programs, General Program Administration. bank falls below pre-established financial
FSA is also giving notice that it has sent the thresholds. The revisions are minor, consisting
collection to OMB for review. Comments are primarily of replacing references to the previous
due 03/14/2017. The notice may be viewed at: FCA regulatory capital standards with references to the new FCA regulatory capital standards that
13/pdf/2017-00650.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. became effective on January 1, 2017, as well as
82, No. 9, 01/13/2017, 4281. updating addresses. Therefore, FCA has
determined to approve the Draft Third Restated
• FSA has issued a notice to announce it MAA without a request for comments prior to
seeks comment on the information collection approval; FCA will, however, review and
titled Farm Loan Programs – Direct Loan consider any subsequent comments it receives.
Servicing – Regular. FSA is also giving notice Comments are due 02/17/2017. The notice may
that it has sent the collection to OMB for review. be viewed at:
Comments are due 03/20/2017. The notice may
be viewed at: 18/pdf/2017-01054.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82, No. 11, 01/18/2017, 5565-5576.
19/pdf/2017-01071.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
82, No. 12, 01/19/2017, 6484. FCA Issues Correction to Market Access
• FSA has issued a notice to announce it
seeks comment on the information collection FCA has issued a correction to its notice
titled Guaranteed Farm Loans. FSA is also appearing in the Federal Register on January 18,
giving notice that it has sent the collection to 2017 by inserting a minor term and phrase that
OMB for review. Comments are due were inadvertently omitted in the Draft Third
03/20/2017. The notice may be viewed at: Restated Market Access Agreement which was included in the notice. The correction may be
19/pdf/2017-01072.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. viewed at:
82, No. 12, 01/19/2017, 6484-6485. 2017-01-26/pdf/2017-01760.pdf. Federal
Register, Vol. 82, No. 16, 01/26/2017, 8519.
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