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The Rural Housing Service (RHS) has issued a
               FCSIC Adjusts Civil Monetary Penalties.            notice announcing a series of teleconference
                                                                  and/or web conference meetings regarding the
               The Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation       U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Section
               (FCSIC) has issued a final rule implementing       538 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing (GRRH)
               inflation adjustments to civil monetary penalties   program, which are scheduled to occur during
               (CMPs) that the Farm Credit System Insurance       2017 and 2018. The notice also outlines
               Corporation (FCSIC) may impose under the           suggested discussion topics for the meetings and
               Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended. These         is intended to notify the general public of their
               adjustments are required by 2015 amendments        opportunity to participate in the teleconference
               to the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation           and/or web conference meetings. The notice
               Adjustment Act of 1990. The final rule is          may be viewed at:
               effective 01/30/2017. The final rule may be
               viewed at:       18/pdf/2017-01078.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               2017-01-30/pdf/2017-01033.pdf. Federal             82, No. 11, 01/18/2017, 5531-5532.
               Register, Vol. 82, No. 18, 01/30/2017, 8670-
               8671.                                              CFTC Issues Interim Final Rule on Civil
                                                                  Monetary Penalties.
               RUS Announces Application Deadlines.
                                                                  The Commodity Futures Trading Commission
               The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) has              (CFTC) has amended its rule that governs the
               announced the application window,                  maximum amount of civil monetary penalties, to
               requirements and funding for loans that may        adjust for inflation. The interim final rule sets
               become available for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017         forth the maximum, inflation adjusted dollar
               under the Guarantees for Bonds and Notes           amount for civil monetary penalties assessable
               Issued for Electrification or Telephone Purposes   for violations of the Commodity Exchange Act
               Program (the 313A Program) authorized under        and CFTC rules, regulations and orders
               the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as          thereunder. The interim final rule is effective
               amended, and related terms. Under the 313A         01/23/2017. The interim final rule may be
               Program, the Federal Financing Bank (FFB) will     viewed at:
               make loans to the selected applicant and RUS       2017-01-23/pdf/2017-00488.pdf. Federal
               will guarantee the applicant’s repayment of the    Register, Vol. 82, No. 13, 01/23/2017, 7643-
               loans to FFB. Selected applicants may use the      7645.
               proceeds of loan funds made available under the
               313A Program to make loans to borrowers for        CFTC Issues Proposed Rule on Recordkeeping.
               electrification or telecommunications purposes,
               or to refinance bonds or notes previously issued   CFTC has proposed to amend the recordkeeping
               by applicants for such purposes. The proceeds of   obligations set forth in certain provisions of its
               the guaranteed bonds and notes are not to be       regulations. The proposed amendments would
               used by applicants to directly or indirectly fund   permit recordkeepers to leverage advances in
               projects for the generation of electricity.        information technology as a means to reduce
               Completed applications are due 04/28/2017. The     costs associated with the retention and
               notice may be viewed at:                           production of paper and electronic records and
               to decrease the risks of cybersecurity threats,
               17/pdf/2017-00831.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.      while maintaining necessary safeguards to
               82, No. 10, 01/17/2017, 4838-4841.                 ensure the integrity, availability, and
                                                                  accessibility of records required to be kept
               RHS Announces Teleconference Series on             pursuant to the Commodity Exchange Act or
               Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program.           CFTC regulations. Additionally, the proposed
                                                                  amendments would remove the requirements for
                                                                  electronic records to be kept in their native file

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