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format and for recordkeepers to enter into an      25/pdf/2017-01287.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               arrangement with a third-party technical           82, No. 15, 01/25/2017, 8369-8391.
               consultant with respect to electronically stored
               information. Comments are due 03/20/2017. The      CFTC Requests Comment on Rules Relating to
               proposed rule may be viewed at:                    the Operations and Activities of Commodity
               Pool Operators and Commodity Trading
               19/pdf/2017-01148.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.      Advisors and to Monthly Reporting by Futures
               82, No. 12, 01/19/2017, 6356-6367.                 Commission Merchants.

               CFTC Issues Proposed Rule on Registration and      CFTC has issued a notice to announce it seeks
               Review of Exchange Disciplinary, Access            comment on the information collection titled
               Denial or Other Adverse Actions.                   Rules Relating to the Operations and Activities
                                                                  of Commodity Pool Operators and Commodity
               CFTC is proposing technical amendments to its      Trading Advisors and to Monthly Reporting by
               regulations that govern registration and review    Futures Commission Merchants. CFTC is also
               of exchange disciplinary, access denial or other   giving notice that it has sent the collection to
               adverse actions. The proposed rule integrates      OMB for review. Comments are due
               existing advisory guidance and the amendments      02/27/2017. The notice may be viewed at:
               to part 9 would also incorporate swap execution
               facilities (SEFs) and update provisions currently   26/pdf/2017-01706.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               applicable to designated contract markets          82, No. 16, 01/26/2017, 8514.
               (DCMs). The proposed rule revises existing
               rules to delete numerous cross-references to       SEC Finalizes Rule Adjusting Civil Monetary
               previously deleted regulations and adds citations   Penalties.
               to applicable parallel provisions for SEFs and
               DCMs. Additionally, the proposed rule              The Securities and Exchange Commission
               addresses the publication of final disciplinary    (SEC) has adopted a final rule to adjust the
               and access denial actions taken by the SEFs and    maximum amount of civil monetary penalties
               DCMs on their exchange Web sites. Comments         for inflation. This adjustment will apply to all
               are due 03/24/2017. The proposed rule may be       penalties imposed after the effective date of this
               viewed at:       final rule for violations that occur after
               2017-01-23/pdf/2017-01232.pdf. Federal             11/02/2015. For violations that occurred on or
               Register, Vol. 82, No. 13, 01/23/2017, 7738-       before 11/02/2015, SEC is reinstating the
               7751.                                              penalty amounts in its prior penalty adjustments.
                                                                  The final rule is effective 01/18/2017. The final
               CFTC Issues Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on       rule may be viewed at:
               Amendments to Swap Data Access Provisions.
                                                                  18/pdf/2017-00421.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               CFTC has proposed amendments to its                82, No. 11, 01/18/2017, 5367-5373.
               regulations relating to access to swap data held
               by Swap Data Repositories. The proposed            SEC Finalizes Rule Updating EDGAR Filer
               amendments would implement pertinent               Manual.
               provisions of the FAST Act and make associated
               changes to CFTC’s regulations governing the        SEC has issued a final rule adopting revisions to
               grant of access to swap data to certain foreign    the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and
               and domestic authorities by Swap Data              Retrieval System (EDGAR) Filer Manual and
               Repositories and to certain other regulations      related rules to reflect updates to the EDGAR
               unrelated to such access. Comments are due         system. The updates are being made primarily to
               03/27/2017. The proposed rule may be viewed        support an upgrade to the passphrase
               at:      authentication process; and update the
                                                                  recommended Internet browser language for all

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