Page 128 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 128
his is a picture of the will understand what I'm going
T Grace Chapel at Came- through and know that I'm going
lot in Anaheim playing Laser Tag through some tough times making
with each other, having a great time friends. The next day God answered
and hanging out at Meet Fresh for my prayer and he gave me you guys
desert afterwards. This picture and I was really happy and filled with
shows us how we are bonding and joy and I was really thankful to God
caring for each other. During my for everything he did and provided.
School year, I have been treated dif- Also, you guys are more like a church
ferently, made fun of and calling me family to me. I will always remember
some bad names and what type of
l that with God everything is possible
person I was, I was upset and frus- and that he will always be with us till
trated. I prayed to God that he can the very end."
help me find a group of friends that