Page 132 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 132
/Jasper Lin
hroughout the many years at FPCOC/Grace Chapel, we have gone
through many changes. We have had old faces leave and new faces
come. But no matter the changes we came across, I always found this church to be
the most awesome and loving place to be. The amount of joy being a part of this
church gives me is inconceivable. The best way to express it is through this photo.
Our church may not be the biggest, with one another. I thank God for Life
but every member of our church has Groups because of the love and sup-
a big and loving heart. We all care port that I receive from this small
for one another and support one an- community.
other. We hang out with each other
and just have fun doing whatever. What I love the most about Life
This crazy blurry photo was taken Group is that we get to see how God
during an Irvine Life Group meeting. is working in other people’s lives and
It shows just how crazy, fun and we also get to share how he is work-
open we are with one another. ing in our own lives. The most awe-
Through Life Group, we learn to lis- some thing is when you hear some-
ten to one another, to pray for others one had a really rough week and in
and we strengthen our relationships the following week say that their