Page 134 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 134
/ Serene Hsu
amping is always chaotic. Even if it's just for a couple hours. It in-
C volves setting up base camp, passing out snacks and making sure
everyone is well-fed, keeping a close eye on people at all times for safety rea-
sons (by people, i mean one person: Stephen), figuring out the starting point of
a hiking trail, playing around with the camera settings to make sure you get the
best shots. Now imagine doing all of this in the dark. DOUBLE THE CRAZI-
NESS. However, where God is present, beauty can be found amidst darkness
and messiness. Such was the case during a stargazing trip with Grace Chapel.
I remember this night because God used it to reveal His love through nature
and the friendships He's created for me. For that I am thankful.
(photo taken during summer of 2016 @ Joshua Tree National Park)