Page 129 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 129
/Andrew Yang
his is a picture from when through hours of traffic just to come
T Grace Chapel hosted a serve for a couple hours. However,
Vacation Bible Study (VBS) in the one of the biggest encouragements
summer of 2017. I'll always re- was to see members of our church
member this amazing week of min- step up and utilize the gifts that God
istry for many reasons. First was had given them to further the king-
the way God provided for us. We dom of God in the hearts of these
actually weren't sure that any kids children.
would show up. But we spent the
weeks before VBS praying and Finally, the VBS was a memorable
asking God to provide. In the end, experience for me in the way we got
God heard our prayers and provid- to connect and help the kids learn
ed over 10 kids! This helped grow about God. As I was sharing about
our faith in the power of prayer. stories of David and Goliath and the
parable of the lost sheep, felt the
Next was how impressed I was Father Heart of God flow through
with the dedication of the me. I felt privileged and honored to
members of Grace Chapel be used as a tool by God to help
in leading, organizing, and plant seeds in their spiritual growth.
sacrificing their weekday
nights for VBS. Many of Although it was an intense, tire-
the members had jobs, yet some, and long week, I walked
they still found time to vol- away with my faith strengthened
unteer. Some even fought and encouraged by my community.