Page 18 - Oct2020
P. 18

From light planes to wide-body jets, fly highly detailed
                                                                  and accurate aircraft in the next generation of
                                                                  Microsoft Flight Simulator. Test your piloting skills
                                                                  against the challenges of night flying, real-time
                                                                  atmospheric simulation and live weather in a dynamic
                                                                  and living world. Create your flight plan to anywhere
      MEN WANTED FOR R.C.A.F. CITY SQUADRON                       on the planet. Microsoft Flight Simulator includes 20
                              (From The Leader-Post, Sept. 3, 1937)  highly detailed planes with unique flight models and 30
                                                                  hand-crafted airports.
  Applications from qualified men for enlistment in the No. 120
  (Bomber) Squadron, RCAF, will be invited shortly, Squadron      The World is at your Fingertips.
  leader E.A. Delhaye, DFC, commanding officer, announced on      • Vivid and Detailed Landscapes – Immerse yourself in
  Friday.                                                         the vast and beautiful world that is our planet with
                                                                  over 37 thousand airports, 1.5 billion buildings, 2
  There are several vacancies in the unit, caused by the
                                                                  trillion trees, mountains, roads, rivers and more.
  discharge of men who left Regina during the summer, it was
                                                                  • Living World – Earth is vibrant and ever-changing and
  announced. After a month's holiday in August, training has      so is the world of Microsoft Flight Simulator which
  been resumed.
                                                                  includes live traffic, real-time weather and animals.
  Parade will be held at squadron headquarters on Wednesday,      Earn Your Wings.
  Sept. 8, when the evening will be devoted to a men's mess
                                                                  • Aircraft – Hone your pilot skills in a variety of aircraft
  meeting when social activities for the coming years, furnishing
                                                                  from light planes to commercial jets with
  of the airmen's mess and other subjects will be discussed.
                                                                  comprehensive flight models. Every aircraft includes
  Technical training of airmen will commence on Thursday, Sept.  highly detailed and accurate cockpits with realistic
  9 and will continue on Mondays and Thursdays throughout         instrumentation.
  the winter. Two classes of about 12 men will receive training   • New Checklist System - From pro to beginner, scale
  of each of those nights. Flying training of the officers        your level from full manual to full assist with
  recommenced Aug. 24 following a successful summer's work        interactive and highlighted instrument guidance and
  in which the squadron completed 525 hours flying time since     checklist.
  April 15.
                                                                  Test Your Skills.
  Five junior officers are practically qualified for the flying badge  • Live Weather – The new weather engine enables
  or "wing" and at present are doing cross-country flying, it was   users to switch on the live weather mode to experience
  announced. While cold weather will reduce the amount of         real-time weather including accurate wind speed and
  flying, that phase of training will continue throughout the     direction, temperature, humidity, rain and more.
  winter.                                                         • New Day & Night Engine - experience flight at any

                                                                  time of day or year allowing for night VFR, visual flight
                                                                  rules, navigation.
                                                                  • Aerodynamic Modeling - a state-of-the-art physics

                                                                  engine with over 1000 control surfaces per plane
                                                                  allows for a truly realistic experience.

                                                                  The Deluxe Edition includes everything from Microsoft
                                                                  Flight Simulator plus 5 additional highly accurate
                                                                  planes with unique flight models and 5 additional
                                                                  handcrafted international airports.
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