Page 20 - Oct2020
P. 20

Avi Barzel                                                                                                         .                                                                                Avi Barzel
                         Avi Barzel is a Toronto illustrator and portrait artist who grew up in Eastern and Central Europe, where he
                         studied art from an early age.  In Prague, he was schooled in Social Realism, the propaganda art styles
                         glorifying communism, industry and the working class, but in Vienna he discovered and fell in love with the
                         modernist movements, especially the surrealist Wiener Schule/Vienna School movement, to the
                         disappointment of some of his more traditionalist art instructors.

                                                                   UK Bound - by Avi Barzel

                                                                   Canadair CL-13 Sabres of 434 Squadron on their way
                                                                   to the UK for disposal.
                                                                   After a Department of National Defense photo, via
                                                                   James Craik and
                                                                   Acrylic on glass and digital media, 2020

    The Mighty One - by Avi Barzel

   Lockheed-Martin's F-35 getting a
    charge. Happy Israeli pilots, who
   were the first to use it in combat,
   have dubbed this incredible beast
   the Adir, the Mighty One.  After a
      photo by Lockheed-Martin.
   Mixed media: Watercolour, pencil
        and digital media, 2020
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