Page 19 - Oct2020
P. 19

They've been around almost as long as we have and
                                                                  are primarily an audio service, using TeamSpeak to
                                                                  meet up for both casual and organized flights and
                                                                  events, as well as for things like education.

  With a month now passed since the release of the new
  Microsoft Flight Simulator things have calmed down a bit, with
  some people enjoying the new sim while others seem to be
  having problems both small and large.  It's hard to judge just
  how widespread problems are, but if you use our forums you'll
  see plenty of people looking for help.

  One thing that made past versions of Flight Simulator great
  was all the third party add-ons, both payware and freeware.
  We are seeing some of both but also developers who are
                                                                  We've opened a forum for them, something they did
  having problems.  NMG Simulations has pulled back from
  supporting MSFS for now, as they simply cannot get scenery      not have, and you'll be regularly hearing about events
  to work given the SDK and tools available from Microsoft.  I've   and flights you can join in.
  heard from other developers who've tried to get help from
  Microsoft but cannot even get anyone to answer them.            Most of the news this week is devoted to product
                                                                  announcements, as you'll see below. And not just for
  Hopefully this will get sorted out in time, but at the moment
                                                                  MSFS but for other sims as well. Whatever you're flying
  it's a time of frustration for some who are eager to get started
  with the new sim.                                               there's something in the works to look forward to.

                                                                  I'd like to again encourage those of you who are the
  So, Microsoft themselves has announced new scenery, in that
                                                                  creative sort to submit your freeware to our file library.
  Japan will receive an upgrade within the default scenery.  A
  video trailer accompanying the announcement shows a wide        We'll be happy to host it or just point to your preferred
                                                                  hosting location.  For those really large files we've just
  variety of areas and points of interest that will be included.
                                                                  added an easier way to get them to us using FTP, which
                                                                  some think is difficult be we'll show you how to do it
  A manual was another thing missing from the initial MSFS
  2020 release, with Sofly stepping in with their guide.          with just Windows Explorer--just like copying a file
                                                                  between two folders on your own computer.
                                                                                                         - Nels Anderson

  This week they have updated it again, and it's now up to 200
  pages from the original 120. Upgrades continue to be free;
  you just need to download it again.

  FlightSim.Com offers a wide variety of services to you
  flightsimmers, but even so there are some things we don't do.
  This week we've announced a new partnership with
  DigitalThemePark to expanding things.
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