Page 125 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 125
people of his class, this man bad been touched
by her attachment and beauty, so that he facili
tated her approach to sec her master, and also
ensured her a safe retreat ill case of danger.
Impressed with gratitude for this Service* the
greyhound remained for the rest of her life near
the benevolent prison-keeper.
It was remarked that even while testifying
her ideal and gratitude for her second master one
could easily perceive that her heart was with the
first. Like those who, having lost a parent, a
brother or sister, or a friend, come from afar to
seek consolation by viewing the place which they
inhabited, this a Section ate animal repaired fre
quently to the tower where St. Lcger had been
imprisoned, and would contemplate for hours
together the gloomy window from which her
dear master had so often smiled to her, and
where they had so frequently breakfasted
t o g e t h e r . 1
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