Page 21 - Nigeria Primary 1 copy
P. 21


                 1.   Go out with your teacher / parents for a walk in the garden or a field trip.
                      Observe and identify the plants by naming them.
                 2.   Discuss where plants can be found: land, seaside, garden plants and those
                      which can be grown inside homes.

               Different uses of plants in the society
                        do not only make our surroundings beautiful, they also have many uses.
               Plants not only make our surroundings beautiful, they also have many uses.
               Plants provide food, shelter, tools and many useful products.

               Plants provide shelter to birds and small animals. Such animals make their
               home and also find their food in plants. Plants also provide animals with
               protection from predators.

                FOR THE TEACHER: Introduce children to various types of plants growing in the
                local surroundings and tell them about others found in the country.

                                             Modern Science and Technology - Primary One
                                 Modern Science and Technology for the Caribbean – Infants Two – Students’ Book  17
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