Page 24 - eNewsletter NIISe Edisi 03
P. 24

Ministry of Home Affairs

                                                                        (MOHA) Management

                                                                   Working Visit with NIISe

                                                                          Project Stakeholders

          PUTRAJAYA, 13 October 2021 - A Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) Working Visit session was
          held  on 13 October  2021 with the National  Integrated  Immigration System (NIISe) Project
          Stakeholders to visit the new office of the NIISe Project. The visit included get-acquainted and
          meet-and-greet sessions with NIISe Contractor.

          This session was attended by YBhg. Dato’ Sri Wan Ahmad Dahlan bin Haji Abdul Aziz, Secretary
          General (KSU) MOHA and the NIISe Project Team consisting of Pasukan Petugas Khas (PPK)
          MOHA, Immigration Department of Malaysia (JIM) and NIISe Contractor.

          The visit session began with the KSU MOHA visit to the NIISe Contractor Team Office at Level 5
          and 6, Block D7, Complex D, Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) followed by the meeting to update
          the project progress directly from the NIISe Project Team.

          The meeting started with a key message by YBhg. Dato’ Sri Wan Ahmad Dahlan bin Haji Abdul Aziz
          followed  by  the presentation  on the project  progress  status  by  PPK  MOHA and a  bilateral
          discussion session between all meeting members.

                                     Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) visit session
                                             with NIISe Project Stakeholders

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