P. 2
The author extends special thanks to God for the blessing and grace for
the author, so this e-module, entitled "Let's Describe Something!" can be
finished on time. This e-module is written as an assignment for a college
subject, namely "The Development of Teaching Materials", also known in
Bahasa Indonesia as "Pengembangan Bahan Ajar". It is composed as a final
project given as a final score assessment of the subject.
Through this opportunity, the author would like to express gratitude to all
people, who have helped the author during the arrangement of this e-
module. Those are:
Thank you to Mrs. Prof. Dr. Desak Putu Parmiti, M.S., Mr. Alexander
Hamonangan Simamora, and Mr. Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda Sukmana,
S.Kom., M.Pd. as the English lecturer for always helping the writer and
give a lot of useful knowledge and guidance in creating this e-module.
This module is based on several existing books and literature to
support the assignments in the "Development of Teaching Materials" course
itself. Then, The author of this e-module realizes that this is not a perfect
model. The author believes, there are still many shortcomings or errors that
are not the author's intent. Therefore, with all humility the author, so that
all parties are willing to provide suggestions and constructive criticism that
the author can use as a guide in making the next module so that later the
author can make a better module. Therefore, the writer expects critics and
suggestions, especially from the readers, in order to be able to make this
Last but not least, the writer would like to apologize if there are some
words or sentences which are not appropriate. Hopefully, this e-module will
be able to be used as a reference to learn about making descriptive text in
Singaraja, December 16th, 2022
E-module Describing Something i