P. 6



                    A. Description Title

                   What  do  you  know  about  descriptive  text?  Generally,  a  descriptive

                   text can be defined as an English writing text that provides details
                   information about something specific as the object. Many things can
                   certainly be the object of a descriptive text. Description text is a text
                   created to explain what someone (a person) or something (a thing) is

                   like.  It  usually  aims  to  describe  and  reveal  a  particular  object,
                   whether  about  people,  place,  animal,  thing,  or  even  a  specific
                   activity. The writer of a description text often uses this text to bring
                   his/her writing to life by forming a vivid image in the reader’s mind.

                   Then, have you ever described an object in specific? Most people seem
                   to  use  any  description  in  their  daily  life  to  describe  or  explain  the
                   object that is being discussed. Let’s say when you want to tell your
                   friend that there is a white cat walking in front of you. The sentence

                   ‘the white can’ is actually a simple sentence of descriptive statement.

                              Now, did you know how to create a good descriptive text? A
                   descriptive text definitely should be written in a good structure and

                   consider  the  use  of  language  features  related.  There  are  two  main
                   structures and several language features, that should be considered
                   to  be  able  to  create  a  good  and  structural  descriptive  text,  for
                   instance: using the simple present tense, word references, etc. This is

                   done to make it look nicer.

                            E-module   Describing Something   1
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