Page 9 - Muchmore Harrington Renewal Booklet 2020
P. 9

Direct Pay

                                                    REQUEST DIRECT PAY                   quickly and conveniently

                                                     REQUEST DIRECT PAY using any of these methods:

          GeoBlue pays the provider directly,
          so the member doesn’t have to pay             APP              WEB             EMAIL           PHONE
           out of pocket and submit a claim.

                                               Innovative Technology

             Find providers, hospitals                                                        Arrange Direct Pay
                 and pharmacies

                                                       Unique mobile and
                                                       online services for
              Request Appointments                     accessing the best                  Translate medications and
                                                         local doctors,                      medical term/phrases
                                                         hospitals and
                                                        resources when
            View country or city profiles                you need them,
              on crime, terrorism and                   where you need                          File a Claim
                 natural disasters                      them, anywhere
                                                         in the world.
               Display ID card and                                                        Receive daily alerts detailing
               email/fax to providers                                                     the latest security and health
                  as necessary                                                           issues in a specific destination

                                  Medical Assistance and Customer Service

        Assisting with all types of medical concerns:
                       EXPECTED AND               GeoBlue’s concierge-level, multi-lingual, in-house medical assistance
                                                 and customer service teams are available 24/7/365 and scheduled to support
                                                               the variety of time zones our members are in.
                                               Experience coordinating medical evacuations in over 100 countries including:
                                               Experience coordinating medical evacuations in over 100 countries including:
                       CHRONIC CARE


                       VIDEO CONSULTS           BAHRAIN           EQUATORIAL          PAPUA NEW             YEMEN
                       FOR MEMBERS IN
                       REMOTE AREAS

          GeoBlue is the trade name of Worldwide Insurance Services, LLC, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue
          Shield Association. Made available in cooperation with Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies in select service areas.
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