Page 155 - Mathematics Coursebook
P. 155

16.2 Equally likely outcomes

               16.2 Equally likely outcomes

               For some simple activities or events, such as spinning a coin, throwing a dice or picking a card from a
               pack, there are various results, or outcomes, that are all equally likely. With a coin the two outcomes are
               ‘heads’ and ‘tails’. With a dice the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all equally likely outcomes.
               But how can you assign a probability to a particular outcome?

               Worked example 16.2
                Here are eight number cards.  2   5    5    8    10   10   10   13     If the card is chosen at

                The cards are placed face-down on a table. One card is chosen at random.   random it means that all
                What is the probability that the number chosen is:                     the cards have the same
                a  5       b  greater than 9    c  an even number?                     chance of being chosen.

                a   2   =   1     There are eight cards, so there are eight equally likely outcomes.
                    8    4
                              Two of the cards are 5s so there are two chances out of eight of choosing a 5.
                              Write this as a fraction.
                    4    1
                b      =      There are four cards with numbers greater than 9.
                    8    2

                c   5         The even numbers are 2, 8 and 10. Five cards have even numbers so the probability is   5 .
                    8                                                                                         8

               )     Exercise 16.2

               1   There are 20 picture cards in a set. Six show flowers, four show trees, three show birds, five show
                  antelopes and two show lions.
                 Bryn picks a card at random. What is the probability that it is:
                  a  a bird        b  a lion        c  a plant       d  an animal with four legs?
               2  Alicia throws a dice. What is the probability that she scores:
                  a  4             b  more than 4  c  less than 4    d  an odd number?
               3  There are six girls and ten boys in a class. Three of the girls and four of the boys wear glasses.
                  a  The teacher chooses one person at random. What is the probability that the teacher chooses:
                   i     a girl                                ii   a girl wearing glasses
                    iii  a boy who does not wear glasses       iv  a child wearing glasses?
                  b  How can the teacher make sure that the choice is random and each child has an equal chance of
                     being chosen?
               4  Each letter of the word MATHEMATICS is written on a separate card.
                                                                                          The vowels are A, E, I, O
                       M     A    T   H    E    M    A    T    I    C    S                and U.
                 Jake picks one card at random. What is the probability that the letter is:
                                                                                               H            E
                  a  M             b  not T         c  a vowel       d  not a vowel         C     A  N  C
                  e  X             f  in the word CHANCE?

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