Page 100 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 100

Entitlement by Year Group

            FS2 Mathematics teachers will also focus on building oral language and vocabulary

          development. The teachers will use the following resources and approaches and integrate the topics
          to build background knowledge and as a context of interest to children at this age in Mathematics.

                FS2 EPG Mathematics Curriculum
                Precision teaching every day when assessed as ready for it or in need of it by the class

                teacher with a focus on number sense-use of calendar math, number lines, number bonds
                teacher with a focus on number sense-use of calendar math, number lines, number bonds
                Oral language activities – songs, chants, rhymes, drama- role playing

                Sentence stems will improve talk - using “because...”
                Prompts will expand talk - complete sentence recall details use open ended questions Why?

                Tell me more How?
                EY Impact Math question prompts: What do you see? What do you notice? How do you see


            FS1 Mathematics teachers will also focus on building oral language and vocabulary
          development. Children will further develop their listening and understanding skills. The teachers will
          use the following resources and approaches and integrate the topics to build background knowledge

          and as a context of interest to children at this age in “Understanding the World”

                FS1 EPG Mathematics Curriculum
                Opportunities for private reading and/or to share Mathematics books daily

                Precision teaching every day when assessed as ready for it or in need of it by the class
                Oral language activities – songs, chants, rhymes, drama - role playing and vocabulary linked to

          the Mathematics monthly topics
                Connect child's prior knowledge (distancing)

                Recast - restate child's answer with more detail or correct language
                Expand sentence child uses with adjectives - color, size, shapes (add details)
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