Page 138 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 138

Week 1-2
            •  All children on the CFC General list from last AY will be observed and removed from the CFC list
             if needed.

            Urgent Children with Cause for Concern Behaviour
            Urgent CFC are children that are extremely aggressive (Physical Aggression) towards
          teachers and other children.

            W We must observe and record thoroughly as it may just be separation anxiety they are experiencing
          and need time to settle in.

            Week 2 for CFC Urgent

            •  Teacher identi es children who have URGENT CFC behaviours and discusses with Unit, AA, SSW
          and BM.
            •  Teachers must complete observation forms.
            •  All documents with SSW and uploaded to the drive by AA to go for EYVP approval.

            • •  EYVP to review documents and visit branch to observe.
            •  EYVP to determine if child needs removed from EPG or placed on General CFC with Action Plan.
          If Action Plan and Observation, this should be completed ready for the meeting with parents.
            •  EYVP will approve for Urgent Meeting with parents.

            SSW to invite parents to meet with BM and SSW ONLY - no teachers. Form 1 (Invitation to Parents).

            Week 7 for CFC Urgent
            • •  1st Meeting with parents. - Share  ndings with parents either Removal from EPG or Action Plan.

          The BM or SSW must explain why they felt it necessary to call the parents in. Go through the teachers
            •  If blocking and removal then the parents must sign all relevant paperwork.
            •  If the child is placed on Observation and Action Plan Route then the Action Plan must be

          discussed thoroughly with the parents and they must sign the paper.
            •  A review date will be given - 2 weeks from meeting date (must be written on form).

            General CFC Behaviour
            Teachers will start to look at behaviours of other children in the class. If children are identi ed then
          the teachers in the unit must complete the Observation Log Forms.

            General CFC are those children who need help and strategies to help with behaviour and to develop

          social skills in the classroom.
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