Page 26 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 26

               Follow the Assembly Leader. (Never disagree or show disapproval in the presence of children).
               Engage and encourage children by ´doing´ the actions, ´singing´ the songs and ´listening´ to the
               Assembly Leader. Do not sit/stand and supervise. Songs are to be sung in English and Arabic.

         What happens if children are not interested in ‘doing’, ‘singing’, or ‘listening’?
           This is fine! Be creative and identify those who need support and they could:

           a) stand with a SA,
           b) stand by you and be encouraged by you,
           b) stand by you and be encouraged by you,
           c) assign them assemby roles (help turn the cd player on etc) and/or

           d) allow them to observe.

               Teachers will connect with each child before they leave. It is extremely important to show care
         and compassion when children leave your class.
           • •
               FS1 – FSL teachers will help children put their name tags away safely, thank them for their
         learning today and then finally a simple ‘farewell’.

           Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning. Routines

         don’t just make your life easier, they save valuable classroom time. And what’s most important,
         efficient routines make it easier for students to learn and achieve more.

           These are some ideas to think about:
           • •
               How do you want children to enter the classroom?
               How do you want them to sit on the carpet? (in a circle, groups, rows, boys, girls, tall, short)
               How do you want children to transition from one activity to another?
               How can class assume tidy up?

         Photocopying Procedure
               All worksheets are pre-prepared and added to have workbooks. No photocpying is allowed.
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