Page 34 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 34

Teaching Times and Days

             Class timings are as follows:

                                                                     MORNING TIMING
               Tiny Tots          Sunday - Thursday                  7:30am - 1:00pm

               Pre-FSL            Sunday - Thursday                     7:30am - 1:00pm

               FSL                Sunday - Thursday                     7:30am - 1:00pm
               FS1                Sunday - Thursday                     7:30am - 1:00pm

               FS2                Sunday - Thursday                     7:30am - 1:00pm

            Students who arrive before 7:30 am/1:00 pm will be supervised in the Play Area or in a designated

          classroom. A general assembly is held every day at 7:30am/1:00 pm. Assembly is an important part

          of the branch daily routine as it gives an enthusiastic start to a student's day at school. It particularly
          targets the Oral Language, Personal, Social, and Emotional Development of the student and promotes

          school culture and its values. All groups go to the Assembly Area and join in morning activities like

          singing of the national anthem, and some children songs. Students and staff may sing ´Happy
          Birthday' to celebrators and as well as Star of the Week. Teacher and student assistant escort their

          assigned class to their respective classrooms. Assembly starts in October or when branch feels children
          have settled in.
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