Page 36 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 36


            Byhe time children commence attendance at a Pre-FSL setting, they have already had a variety of
            By t
          experiences and have developed in a number of ways. In order to utilise and build upon the learning
          that has taken place in their home and immediate environment, Pre-FSL teachers should provide

          children with a rich variety of play activities and other experiences in a stimulating and challenging

          environment. The focus should be to allow children to learn without experiencing a sense of failure.
          Teachers in EPG rely on the EPG Pre-FSL Curriculum. A daily communication book for monitoring

          children’s social emotional, physical, and language and communication progress as well as any

          health-related concerns for parents to review will be used by teachers for one month upon arrival. This
          is supported by EPG Digital Capture.

            SPRs are completed and sent home at the end of each term.

          Foundation Stage Listener (FSL)

            The curriculum is focused in learning how to learn, with listening to all kinds of sounds. The FSL

          Curriculum is a “learning through play” curriculum. It will encourage characteristics of learning areas,
          persistence, sharing and caring, self-regulation (impulse control) and physical strength. Children will

          become self-aware as they learn the rules of social behaviour.

            The FSL Curriculum is all about “Fun while Learning” which aims to make the children eager to
          come to school. Literacy is emphasised with oral language as the foundation of all planning, teaching
          and activity design. Arabic is also taught and is built around a fun and engaging ‘Letters and Sounds’

          programme. The EPG FSL Curriculum (all subject areas) supports teaching and learning.
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