Page 38 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 38


          EY Extended Programme (EP)
          Teachers may have a duty assigned at this time. EY Extended Programme is the new service for our
          young children. This extended time for added exta-curricular activities willl boost the student´s
          confidence to interact socially with others, and gives them the chance to have a break an do
          something they really enjoy. The extra curricular activities are Science Experiment, Football,
          Investigative Activities, Food Art, Dance, Game/Fashion Show, Painting, Board Games, Arts & Crafts,
          Music and Fun Games.

          In addition, homework and enrichment activities are embedded in the service as well. This will give a
          chance to the teacher to look after the needs of the child and support them while having fun.

          Extra Curricular activities will start at 12:30 to 2:30 everyday, lunch will be served at 12:10 -
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