Page 50 - 2024 Fall-Winter Activities Guide
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CARA SWIM TEAM  I  AGES 6-18                           YOUTH DANCE
         Our recreational swim team, affiliated with the Colorado Parks
         and Recreation Association (CARA), is an excellent opportunity   DANCE CLASS LOCATIONS
         to introduce youth, ages 6-18, to the fun and excitement of   Carpenter Recreation Center (CRC)  I  11151 Colorado Blvd.
         competitive swimming. Our coaches work hard to teach skills and   Trail Winds Recreation Center (TWRC)  I  13495 Holly St.
         technique that will improve efficiency in the water. They strive to
         promote competition as well as sportsmanship. Participants don’t   GENERAL REGISTRATION BEGINS
         have to have competitive experience, but must be able to swim a   RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT  I  Tuesday, August 6, 7 a.m.
         full 50-yards (two lengths) in a competitive, correct freestyle stroke   No classes October 31 and November 25-30.
         and also exhibit the ability to swim for 45-minutes in a coached   See page 58 for details on how to register.
         setting. Tryouts are held on an individual basis.    All classes except Moving & Music will perform at a recital to be
         Fee: $120R/NR per season                             held December 6-8. (Dates subject to change.) Details regarding
         CARA Swim Team is currently full. If your child(ren) is interested   the recital will be handed out in class and emailed to the email
         in participating on our swim team, please be sure to enroll them   associated with your recreation account. Please see the following
         on the waitlist. As openings occur, we will contact individuals from   page for information on recital costumes. For a list of clothing
         the waitlist. If your child is 12 and under and gets called off the   and shoe requirements along with frequently asked questions,
         waitlist, individual tryouts will be held at that time. You will not be   please visit Questions? Please contact Kendra
         charged a fee until your child has been enrolled on the team.  Keefe at 720-977-5937 or
         Waitlist Enrollment  I  977770-WL
         Mo/Tu/Th  BLACK TEAM  Ages 13-18   7:15-8:15 p.m.  VMAC   PARENT-TOT DANCE CLASSES
         Mo/Tu/Th  WHITE TEAM  Ages 11-12   6:30-7:15 p.m.  VMAC
         Mo/Tu/Th   GREEN TEAM  Ages 10 & under  5:45-6:30 p.m.  VMAC  MOVING & MUSIC  I  AGES WALKING-3
         Questions? Please call Toni Barritt at 720-977-5907.    This class will focus on basic motor skills and interacting with others in
                                                              a casual play-like environment while introducing parents and tots to the
         Schedule subject to change.                          fundamentals of dance. It will also prepare your child to attend a dance
                                                              class by themselves. Parent participation is required.
         MASTERS SWIM TEAM  I  AGES 18+                       Fees: $48R/$57NR
         Thornton is proud to bring you a top-notch Masters Swimming   327505-C1    Tu   Sep 3-Oct 8   10:20-11 a.m.   TWRC
         and Fitness Program. This swim fitness program is for individuals   327505-C2    Tu   Oct 15-Nov 19   10:20-11 a.m.   TWRC
         age 18 and older who enjoy swimming in a structured program.   327505-G1    Th   Sep 5-Oct 10   9:30-10:10 a.m.   TWRC
         The program benefits those who swim for fun and fitness, and   327505-G2    Th   Oct 17-Nov 21   9:30-10:10 a.m.   TWRC
         those who swim for competition. Join our coaches for a program   327505-I1    Fr   Sep 6-Oct 11   10:15-10:55 a.m.   TWRC
         that will improve your physical fitness and refine your competitive   327505-I2    Fr   Oct 18-Nov 22   10:15-10:55 a.m.   TWRC
         swimming technique. The price of admission to the facility is the   PRESCHOOL DANCE CLASSES
         only fee for participation. However, those wishing to compete
         in Colorado Masters Swimming Association meets must pay all   PRESCHOOL BALLET  I  AGES 3-5
         costs in doing so, including annual dues.            This is an introduction to ballet for preschool ages without the assistance
         Practices                                            of their parents. Class will include ballet and creative movement with free
         Mo/We/Fr        5:30-7 a.m.     VMAC                 time to explore dance and movement. Ballet shoes are required.
         Tu/Th           6:30-8 p.m.     CRC                  No class October 31 or November 25-30.
         Practice schedule subject to change.                 Fees: $104R/$123.50NR*; $112R/$133NR
         Three- and six-month passes and 20-visit punch cards are   327520-A    Mo   Sep 9-Dec 2*   10:15-10:55 a.m.   TWRC
         available for purchase at the Trail Winds Recreation Center or   327520-C    Tu   Sep 3-Dec 3   3:30-4:10 p.m.   TWRC
                                                                                             11:15-11:55 a.m.
                                                                              Sep 4-Dec 4
         Carpenter Recreation Center. You must bring your punch cards/  327520-G    Th   Sep 5-Dec 5*   11:15-11:55 a.m.   TWRC
         passes with you to practice in order to participate. No admittance   327520-I    Fr   Sep 6-Dec 6   9:15-9:55 a.m.   TWRC
         will be given if you do not have your card. If you are new to the   327520-J    Fr   Sep 6-Dec 6   4:15-4:55 p.m.   TWRC
         program and would like to try the program out before purchasing
         a monthly pass, the cost for a daily pass is $7 for adults (18 to 61   PRESCHOOL COMBO-LEVEL 1  I  AGES 3-5
         years) and $6 for seniors (62+).                     This introduction to ballet, jazz and tap designed for preschool ages
         ADULT PUNCH CARDS & PASSES (18-61 YEARS)             without the assistance of their parents. Each class will focus on ballet,
         20-Visit Punch Card  .............................. $140R/NR  jazz and tap styles while also allowing for free time to explore the
         3-Month Pass  ................................... $155R/NR  movement of dance. Combo students start at level 1 and will progress to
         6-Month Pass  ................................... $255R/NR  higher levels at the instructor's discretion. Students will continue to learn
         SENIOR PUNCH CARDS & PASSES (62+)                    proper technique and form while advancing levels. Ballet shoes and tap
                                                              shoes required. No class October 31 or November 25-30.
         20-Visit Punch Card  .............................. $120R/NR  Fees: $104R/$123.50NR*; $112R/$133NR
         3-Month Pass  ................................... $135R/NR
         6-Month Pass  ................................... $215R/NR  327510-A    Mo   Sep 9-Dec 2*   9:15-9:55 a.m.   TWRC
                                                              327510-B    Mo   Sep 9-Dec 2*   6:15-6:55 p.m.   CRC
                                                              327510-C    Tu   Sep 3-Dec 3   11:15-11:55 a.m.   TWRC
                                                              327510-E    We   Sep 4-Dec 4   9:15-9:55 a.m.   TWRC
                                                              327510-F    We   Sep 4-Dec 4   2:05-2:45 p.m.   TWRC
         SWIM TEAM PRACTICE LOCATIONS                         327510-G    Th   Sep 5-Dec 5*   10:15-10:55 a.m.   TWRC
         Carpenter Recreation Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRC   327510-H    Th   Sep 5-Dec 5*   3-3:40 p.m.   TWRC
         11151 Colorado Blvd.  I  303-255-7800                327510-I    Fr   Sep 6-Dec 6   11:15-11:55 a.m.   TWRC
         Veterans Memorial Aquatic Center ...................... VMAC   327510-J    Fr   Sep 6-Dec 6   2:35-3:15 p.m.   TWRC
         5310 E. 136th Ave.  I  720-972-2560                  327510-K    Sa   Sep 7-Dec 7   1:20-2 p.m.      TWRC
                                                              327510-L    Sa   Sep 7-Dec 7   3:20-4 p.m.      TWRC

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