Page 45 - 2024 Fall-Winter Activities Guide
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      Art for All Abilities is an adventure in art projects to express creativity   AIR Pickleball is a fun opportunity to learn the basics of the sport.
      using a variety of art materials. Creative Expression is an excellent way   AIR staff will teach the introductory skills of volleying, serving, scoring,
      to develop physical, social, emotional and physical skills. This class will   and more! This class is designed to include individuals of all abilities,
      focus on creating clay projects and painting their creations. Tool and   including those with physical or developmental disabilities.
      teaching methods are adapted to include artists of all abilities, including   Fees: $45R/$54NR
      those with physical or developmental disabilities. Fees: $62.50R/$75NR  369917-A1   Th   Oct 17-Dec 19   1-1:45 p.m.   TWRC
      319620-A1   Mo   Sep 9-Oct 7   4:30-6 p.m.      TWRC    AIR SOCIAL ACTIVITIES
      Participants are invited to play a variety of percussion instruments   AIR FRIDAY FUN NIGHT  I  AGES 16+
      to create lively, interactive, group sound stories. Instructor, Emily   Each month we will have different activities to get us thinking, socializing,
      VonSwearingen is a mixed and multimedia visual artist, eclectic musician,   and having fun! This program is designed to include adults of all abilities,
      experimental sound maker, instrument creator and certified Sound Healer,   including those with physical or cognitive disabilities. Fee includes a
      specializing in integrative learning, sensory engagement and adapting   snack and drink. Please note the location alternates between TWRC and
      tools, materials and teaching methods to be accessible and inclusive.   CRC. Fee: $7R/$8.50NR
      These workshops are intended to engage learners of all abilities and are   319120-A1    Music Video Bingo   Aug 23   5:45-7:30 p.m.   TWRC
      supported by Think360 Arts. Fees: $75R/$90NR*, $37.50R/$45NR  319120-A2    Bunco Night   Sep 27   5:45-7:30 p.m.   CRC
      319622-A1    Mo   Oct 14-Nov 18*   4:30-6 p.m.   TWRC   319120-A3    Swim Party    Nov 15   5:45-7:30 p.m.   TWRC
      319622-A2    Mo   Dec 2-16     4:30-6 p.m.      TWRC    319120-A4    Holiday Party   Dec 6   5:45-7:30 p.m.   CRC
      Come practice your volleyball skills in a fun, recreational setting. If you   Pizza, prizes and possibilities! Join Thornton AIR for an evening of touring
      choose to compete at the Special Olympics Competition in November,   the NEW Thornton Community Center and providing input on future
      your athlete application and medical must be up to date online with   Adaptive and Inclusive Recreation Programming at this facility. Free!
      Special Olympics Colorado. Fees: $60R/$72NR             369520-A1    We    Nov 20    5-6:30 p.m.         TCC
      369910-A1   Tu   Sep 3-Nov 19   5-5:45 p.m.     TWRC    AIR DANCE PARTY  I  ALL AGES
      AIR CULINARY CREATIONS  I  AGES 16+                     Join for a spooktacular fun time at the AIR Dance Party this fall. Costumes
      Come practice the basics of cooking with the AIR Program! Each week we   are encouraged. Light snacks and drinks provided. This inclusive event
      will focus on a new recipe all while learning how to use the kitchen safely,   welcomes all abilities. A care provider/family member is welcome at no
      follow directions and prepare for the following week. Course fee includes   extra cost if the participant needs close supervision or assistance with
      the ingredients and necessary tools, all you have to do is show up ready to   personal care. There will be a 50% discount for any additional family
      learn and enjoy tasty creations at the end of the class. Class is designed   members that wish to participate in this activity. Fee: $5R/NR
      to include all abilities including those with physical or developmental   369135-A1   Fr   Oct 27   6-8 p.m.   TWRC
      disabilities. Please note, this class is scheduled every other Tuesday.
      Cooking dates are September 3, 17; October 1, 15, 29; and November 12.    AIR BUDS  I  AGES 13+
      Fees: $75R/$90NR                                        This volunteer-based program supports people with disabilities
      319110-A1   Tu   Sep 3-Nov 12   10-11:30 a.m.    AAC    at Thornton's recreation centers outside of structured programs.
                                                              By swimming, working out or playing a sport, you can explore new
      AIR DRAMA CLUB  I  AGES 16+                             interests, get active, develop friendships and increase independence.
      Come have fun expressing yourself with the AIR program! Each week   AIR Buds are paired up based on age and common interests and they
      we will practice different improv and acting techniques in a fun and   complete an orientation with the AIR Coordinator. A brief interview and
      judgement-free environment. No prior experience on the stage necessary,   background check is required. This program is dependent on enrollment
      just come with an open mind! This class is designed to include all abilities   and an available buddy is not guaranteed. Contact Becky Post for more
      including participants with physical or developmental disabilities.    information about being a volunteer buddy or being paired with a volunteer
      Fees: $84R/$102NR                                       buddy at or 720-977-5702.
      319121-A1   Fr   Sep 6-Nov 22   10:30-11:30 a.m.   TACC  NEW! HEARING LOSS SUPPORT GROUP
      AIR FITNESS TRAINING  I  AGES 16+                       This new group is a networking and resource sharing opportunity for
                                                              individuals experiencing hearing loss and their loved ones. Contact Jenny.
      This small group fitness training, geared toward people with disabilities, or 720-977-5852 for details.
      will offer assistance with adapting workouts and developing goals.
      Fees: $35R/$42.50NR; $63R/$76.50NR*                                Check out
      369415-A1    Mo   Sep 9-Oct 7   10:30-11:30 a.m.   TWRC                 for information on our
      369415-A2    Mo   Oct 14-Dec 16*   10:30-11:30 a.m.   TWRC          Sensory-Friendly Santa visits.
      369415-B1    We   Sep 11-Oct 9   10:30-11:30 a.m.   CRC
      369415-B2    We   Oct 16-Dec 18*   10:30-11:30 a.m.   CRC
      What does wellness mean to you? In this class, participants will explore   Page 42  I  336601-A
      how wellness is a journey of developing habits that lead to a higher quality
      of life. Each week we’ll explore different wellness activities and topics
      which relate to the emotional, intellectual, physical and social dimensions
      of wellness. Topics range from mindful meditation techniques, setting   DROP-IN ADAPTIVE YOGA  I  AGES 16+
      healthy boundaries, using music for joy and relaxation and much more.    Accessible to everyone and multiple variations are taught, allowing
                                                               the poses to be adapted to specific needs for individuals with physical
      Fees: $63R/$76.50NR                                      or developmental disabilities. Secure your spot in advance by visiting
      369417-A1   We   Oct 16-Dec 18   4:30-5:30 p.m.   TWRC and sign-up through Fitness Class Reservations or
                                                               see our front desk. Daily drop-in facility fee is required to participate.
                                                               Tu     Aug 13-Dec 17    10:30-11:30 a.m.    TWRC
                                                               Visit after August 1 for more fall drop-in opportunities!

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