Page 41 - 2024 Fall-Winter Activities Guide
P. 41

ADULT CULINARY                                          ADULT FINANCIAL

      SAMOSA RAGDA CHAAT!  I  AGES 18+                        WILLMAKER LEGAL SEMINAR  I  AGES 18+
      On popular demand, I'm bringing back the samosa chaat with a bang!   In a single easy session, you will complete a will, financial power of
      Join Akila in creating these exquisite restaurant-worthy dishes from   attorney and combined medical directive which includes a living will,
      scratch! Participants enjoy the full menu after class. Samosa: a savory   medical power of attorney and organ donation with the help of attorney
      pastry that you can't get enough of. Ragda: a curry or gravy made using   Rebecca L. Bennetti and her staff. Includes all materials, witnessing,
      soaked and steamed dried white peas. Mint chutney: a cool refreshing   notarizing, individual review, and plenty of time for discussion and
      accompaniment that pairs well with samosa. Tamarind chutney: a sweet   questions. Early registration is advised. Fees: $125R/$150NR
      and tangy dip perfect for samosas. Family Fee: $41R/$49NR  316900-A    We   Sep 11      5-9 p.m.         CRC
      336810-A    Sa    Sep 14         12-2 p.m.       AAC    316900-B    Sa    Oct 19        1-5 p.m.         CRC
      336810-B    We    Sep 25         6-8 p.m.        AAC    316900-C    We    Nov 13        5-9 p.m.         CRC
      COOKIE DECORATING WITH KRISTEN  I  AGES 18+             316900-D    Tu    Dec 10        1-5 p.m.         CRC
      In this class we will cover the basics of frosted sugar cookies. Everything   PRACTICAL TIPS TO PREPARE
      you need is included in the class fee. Fees: $36R/$43NR   YOUR HOME TO SELL  I  AGES 18+
      336217-A    Sa    Sep 21         6-8 p.m.        AAC    You will learn the most important things you can take care of to help your
      336217-B   We     Oct 30         6-8 p.m.        AAC    home make a great impression and entice buyers. Fees: $5R/$6NR
      336217-C   Sa     Nov 23         1-3 p.m.        AAC    336256-A   Mo     Sep 16        5:30-6:30 p.m.   TWAAC
      336217-D   Sa     Dec 14         1-3 p.m.        AAC
      336217-E   We     Dec 18         6-8 p.m.        AAC    YOU ONLY DIE ONCE-FOUR DOCUMENTS  I  AGES 18+
      FISH MOILEE RESTAURANT WORTHY  I  AGES 18+              Do you want to keep your family out of court and save them thousands
      Believed to have emerged in the 15th century this curry gets its name from   of dollars in legal fees after you pass? Attorney Jeff Althaus does
                                                              informational Estate planning seminars and answers your questions to
      a woman named "Molly". Join Akila in creating these exquisite restaurant-  help you understand your options. Get information on how to avoid the
      worthy dishes from scratch! Participants enjoy the full menu after class.   probate process, protect your family and get your hard-earned assets
      Steamed rice: Sona masoori rice cooked to perfection. Fish moilee:   to the people you want to inherit them. You’ll learn about the main
      aromatic and subtly spiced coconut milk-based fish stew which is a real   estate planning documents, strategies to avoid tax, and how to keep the
      delicacy. Vathal: crunchy and delicious sago and rice chips. Caramel   government from deciding where your things go when you pass. Free!
      payasam: one of the finest variations of the kheer. Fees: $41R/$49NR
      336812-A    Sa    Oct 12         12-2 p.m.       AAC    336600-A   Tu     Oct 8         5:45-6:45 p.m.   TWAAC
      336812-B    We    Oct 23         6-8 p.m.        AAC    FUNDAMENTALS OF
      Please join us for this new exciting culinary class at the Active Adult   Learn how to buy homes at foreclosure sales, how much money is needed
      Center. You will spend two hours learning how to create a Charcuterie   and how to bid. Interest rates are likely to come down so get ready to
      Board that is holiday themed. Learn how to fold meats, create roses, make   buy. When they do come down, there will be many owner-occupied buyers
      lovely cheese creations, strawberry roses, tomato, and cucumber flowers   competing for a good deal. Remember you marry the price but rent the
      all on a solid wooden board while sipping specialty drinks and enjoying   rate. We will cover tax deferred 1031 Exchanges, Reverse Exchanges,
      delicious snacks. The pace is slow, a time to relax and visit with friends   and how to reduce your income taxes. Learn how to accurately predict
      while all the meats and cheeses are provided for you ready to create a   your cash flow by taking an analytical approach to investing. You can be
      masterpiece.  The instructor is both knowledgeable and fun so you can   your own boss and never get fired! Also, learn how to invest in cash flow
      enjoy the learning experience.  At the same time, you will have a great   mini storages and assisted living homes. An individual meeting with the
      time-sharing ideas with others and then be able to take your creation   instructor is included for no additional fee. The instructor, Jim Flint, CRS,
      home to your family or friends! Fees: $45R/$54NR        has over 35 years’ experience with real estate in five states. If you have
      336680-A    Th    Oct 17         6-8 p.m.        AAC    questions, please call Jim Flint at 303-759-2222. A $20 material fee due to
                                                              the instructor at time of class. Fees: $5R/$6NR
      336680-B    Tu    Nov 26         6-8 p.m.        AAC
      336680-C    Th    Dec 19         6-8 p.m.        AAC    316915-A   Tu     Oct 8         6-9 p.m.        TWRC
      Join Akila in creating these exquisite restaurant-worthy dishes from scratch!   Learn how to screen your prospective tenants and keep the bad ones out;
      Participants enjoy the full menu after class. Vegetable lollipop: made with   Be aware of “dos and don’ts” when dealing with tenants; If you must evict,
      vegetables and mild spices, this crispy & delightful lollipop is a party, and   how? and have a pool of qualified service people that respond quickly.
      kids favorite. Chana Pulao: an easy protein-rich, flavorful, and aromatic   We’ll also explain how to keep your property rented when others have
      one-pot dish made using steamed garbanzo beans. Carrot raita: a healthy   vacancies and review the Fair Housing Laws. Is professional property
      and tasty yogurt-based salad. Golden milk (Turmeric tea): this delicious and   management for you?  A detailed discussion of a lease is part of the class.
      healthy tea can be enjoyed with or without milk. Fees: $41R/$49NR  An individual meeting with the instructor is included for no additional
      336814-A    Sa    Nov 9          12-2 p.m.       AAC    fee. This class is taught by Jim Flint, CRS, a veteran with over 35 years of
                                                              experience.  Therefore, we cannot grant refund, credit, or transfer requests
      336814-B    We    Nov 20         6-8 p.m.        AAC    after 48 hours prior to the start of the class.  Thank you for understanding.
      INDIAN FEAST  I  AGES 18+                               Don't miss out on important registration, class information or class
      The wait is over! Sign up for this once-in-a-lifetime Indian feast! Join   cancellations!   Make sure that your email is in our system and updated! If
      Akila in creating these exquisite restaurant-worthy dishes from scratch!   you have questions, please call Jim Flint at 303-759-2222.  There is a $20
      Participants enjoy the full menu after class. Garlic Naan: a favorite spin on   material fee due to the instructor at time of class. Fees: $5R/$6NR
      a traditional fluffy flatbread. Made using all-purpose flour and leavening   316914-A   Th   Oct 10   6-9 p.m.   TWRC
      agent. Chicken Tikka masala: roasted marinated chicken chunks in a
      creamy & mildly spicy sauce. Gajar halwa: grated carrots simmered in milk
      and garnished with nuts and raisins sautéed in ghee. Fees: $41R/$49NR  ADAPTIVE & INCLUSIVE RECREATION TRIPS
      336816-A    Sa    Dec 7          12-2 p.m.       AAC                           Page 46
      336816-B    We    Dec 11         6-8 p.m.        AAC

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