Page 44 - 2024 Fall-Winter Activities Guide
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                                                              AIR PROGRAMS

      AIR SWIM LESSONS                                        RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT  I  Tuesday, August 6, 7 a.m.
                                                              See page 58 for details on how to register.
      RESIDENT  I  Monday, August 19, 7 p.m.                  AIR ARCHERY  I  AGES 8+
      NONRESIDENT  I  Tuesday, August 20, 7 a.m.              Whether you are a brand new or experienced archer, this is the perfect
      See page 58 for details on how to register.             opportunity to improve your skills and work toward the bullseye. This
                                                              class is designed with a variety of adaptations to include archers with
                                                              disabilities and is open to all abilities! Fees: $30R/$36NR
      Basic swim and safety skills are introduced and adapted for swimmers   AGES 8-15  We   Sep 4-Oct 9   4:15-5 p.m.   Sprat-Platte
      with disabilities. This class is for swimmers who have little-to-no swim
      experience and are looking to be introduced to the water.    AGES 16+
      Fees: $25R/$30NR                                        309920-B1   We   Sep 4-Oct 9   3:30-4:15 p.m.   Sprat-Platte
                                                                              Sep 4-Oct 9
                                                                                            5-5:45 p.m.
      364911-C    Tu    Sep 10-Oct 8   5:10-5:50 p.m.   TWRC
      364911-D    Tu    Oct 15-Nov 12   5:10-5:50 p.m.   TWRC  AIR DANCE RHYTHM & LIGHTS  I  AGES 8+
      AIR SKILL DEVELOPMENT SWIM LESSONS  I  AGES 4-12        Join us for a dynamic seated dance class. Dancers will explore rhythms,
                                                              sounds, and light, set to upbeat music using various equipment such as
      Basic swim and safety skills are introduced and adapted for swimmers   tap gloves, light up gloves and drumsticks. One time equipment fee of
      with disabilities. This class is for swimmers to work on basic swim skills.    $30, which you keep for future sessions or personal use!
      Swimmers should already be comfortable getting their face wet and   Fees: $118R/$134.50NR
      floating with support. Fees: $25R/$30NR                 369521-A1   Th   Sep 5-Nov 21   5-5:40 p.m.     TWRC
      364921-C    Th    Sep 12-Oct 10   5:10-5:50 p.m.   TWRC
      364921-D    Th    Oct 17-Nov 21   5:10-5:50 p.m.   TWRC  AIR SPECIAL OLYMPICS BOWLING  I  AGES 8+
                                                              Join us for another season of AIR Special Olympics Bowling! You will have
      AIR ADAPTIVE BEGINNER SWIM LESSONS  I  AGES 13+         the opportunity to train for the Special Olympics bowling competition if
      Basic swim and safety skills are introduced and adapted for swimmers   you choose. Practices will be held at Main Event 580 E. 144th Ave.
      with disabilities. Fees: $25R/$30NR                     All fees are included in registration. To compete in the Special Olympics
      364931-C    Tu    Sep 10-Oct 8   4:20-5 p.m.    TWRC    Competition, you must have an up-to-date application and medical on file
      364931-D    Tu    Oct 15-Nov 12   4:20-5 p.m.   TWRC    with Special Olympics. This program is intended to include participants
      AIR STROKE DEVELOPMENT SWIM LESSONS  I  AGES 13+        of all abilities, including those with physical or developmental disabilities.
                                                              Fees: $77R/$93.50NR
      Swimmers will work on stroke development, rotary breathing, and   AGES 8-15
      endurance. Prerequisite: Swimmers should already be able to swim front   309937-A1   Mo   Sep 9-Nov 18   4-5 p.m.   Off Site
      and back crawl independently. This class is intended for swimmers with
      disabilities. Fees: $25R/$30NR                          AGES 16+     Mo     Sep 9-Nov 18     3-4 p.m.   Off Site
      364941-C    Th    Sep 12-Oct 10   4:20-5 p.m.   TWRC
      364941-D    Th    Oct 17-Nov 21   4:20-5 p.m.   TWRC    AIR DANCE FOR ALL ABILITIES  I  AGES 13+
                                                              This is a fun dance class to get your body moving to music with age-
      AIR GYMNASTICS                                          appropriate dance styles and techniques. This class is designed to include
      GYMNASTICS REGISTRATION BEGINS                          dancers of all abilities. This class is designed to include dancers of all
                                                              abilities. This class will perform at Thornton's winter recital, tentatively set
      RESIDENT  I  Wednesday, August 21, 7 p.m.               for December 6-8. Fees: $112R/$133NR
      NONRESIDENT  I  Thursday, August 22, 7 a.m.             369520-A1   Fr   Sep 6-Dec 6   5-5:40 p.m.      TWRC
      See page 58 for details on how to register.
                                                              AIR CHEER SQUAD  I  AGES 13+
      AIR GYMNASTICS  I  AGES 4-12                            This fun class is geared towards learning the basics of cheerleading and
                                                              poms, including cheers and dance.  Sneakers are required. This class
      Come develop your skills in all the different areas of the gymnastics   is intended to include individuals with disabilities who are ready for a
      center including floor, beam, bars and vault! Teaching methods are   physical challenge including kicks and jumps. This class will perform at
      designed and adapted to include gymnasts of all abilities, including those   Thornton's winter recital, tentatively set for December 6-8.
      with physical or developmental disabilities. Fees: $90R/$108NR  Fees: $112R/$133NR
      317180-A1    Fr   Sep 6-Nov 22   4:30-5:15 p.m.   CRC   369522-A1   Sa   Sep 7-Dec 7   11:30 a.m.-12:10 p.m.  TWRC

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