Page 42 - 2024 Fall-Winter Activities Guide
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      LEARN ABOUT LONG-TERM                                     ADULT FITNESS & WELLNESS
      CARE INSURANCE  I  AGES 18+                             FIT INTO FALL
      Learn the basics of long-term care insurance and why you should start
      investing in yourself today! Free!                      (SEMI-PRIVATE TRAINING)  I  AGES 18+
      331217-A   Th     Oct 10         6-7 p.m.      TWAAC    Start your resolution now and maintain it through the holidays. Workout
                                                              the whole body twice a week with 45-55 minutes of circuit training
      ALTERNATIVES TO TRADITIONAL                             (resistance training with cardio) in a fun and challenging way. Learn to
      REAL ESTATE INVESTING  I  AGES 18+                      develop and or improve your training techniques and maximize your time
      Look at real estate investing from an angle other than single family   while getting ready for the holiday season. To ensure proper form and
      homes, duplexes, or condos. There’s a world of options out there;   attention this class is limited to four people. Fese: $180R/$210NR
      commercial property, assisted living homes, partnerships and more! Learn   368700-A1    Mo/We    Sep 11-Oct 14   9-10 a.m.   TWRC
      how to create a business plan for your investment, including financing   368700-A2    Tu/Th     Sep 10-Oct 10   9-10 a.m.   TWRC
      options, management, and the formulas you need to measure your ROI.
      While this class is aimed at people who have already discovered the   JOURNEY TO WELLNESS  I  AGES 18+
      advantages of investing in real estate, it can also be suitable for those   You have important reasons to stay healthy- for your family, your work and
      who simply are ready to diversify into investments other than the stock   more. Sign up today for this FREE year-long lifestyle change class, that will
      market. A personalized meeting is included at no additional fee. The   give you the tools you need to lose weight and become a healthier YOU.
      Instructor, Jim Flint, CRS, has over 35 years’ experience with real estate in   Reduce your risk of future health problems such as diabetes and heart
      five states. If you have questions, please call Jim Flint at 303-759-2222.     disease. Classes will be led by a trained health coach from Adams County
      A $20 material fee due to the instructor at time of class. Fees: $5R/$6NR  Health Department. Free!
      316913-A   Tu     Oct 15         6-9 p.m.       TWRC    318300-A   Th     Sep 12-Aug 7   8:15-9:15 a.m.   TWRC
      ESTATE PLANNING FOR                                     PREPARE FOR FALL YOGA WORKSHOP  I  AGES 18+
      SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN  I  AGES 18+                     Prepare for the change of season with a combination Vinyasa and Yin
      Are you curious about the difference between a will and a trust? Want   Yoga class to find balance between the active and restorative energies
      to know which one would work best for you? Attorney Jeff Althaus does   of the summer and fall season. In honor of transitioning to the fall
      informational Estate planning seminars and answers your questions to   season, we'll end with a half hour Yoga Nidra guided meditation. No yoga
      help you understand your options. We’ll guide you through how to plan   experience required. Mats and props are provided. Fees: $20R/$24NR
      properly to protect your family, especially when special needs children are   368725-A   Su   Sep 15   12:30-2:30 p.m.   TWRC
      involved. Learn about Medicaid and how to best plan so you can have the
      peace of mind you deserve now! Free!                    POWER YOGA WORKSHOP  I  AGES 18+
      336601-A   Tu     Oct 15         5:45-6:45 p.m.   TWAAC  We'll begin with alignment techniques for different poses, followed by an
                                                              intense ashtanga-based yoga class that will make you sweat and workout
      WHAT IS PROBATE  I  AGES 18+                            athletic style.  Some yoga experience is recommended but not required.
      Do you want to keep your family out of court and save them thousands   Fees: $20R/$24NR
      of dollars in legal fees after you pass? Attorney Jeff Althaus does   368726-A   Su   Sep 29   12:30-2:30 p.m.   TWRC
      informational Estate planning seminars and answers your questions
      to help you understand your options. Learn how to avoid the Probate   INTRO TO YOGA  I  AGES 18+
      process, protect your family, and get your hard-earned assets to the   This four-week session will show how yoga can increase flexibility, relieve
      people you want to inherit them. You’ll learn about the main estate   stress, anxiety, and improve strength and balance. We will learn how this
      planning documents, strategies to avoid tax, and how to keep the   mind body practice can influence overall health through asana (yoga
      government from deciding where your things go when you pass. Free!  poses) and meditation. Our last session will be full yoga class.
      336602-A   Tu     Oct 22         5:45-6:45 p.m.   TWAAC  Fees: $20R/$24NR
                                                              368727-A   Su     Oct 1-22      6:15-7:15 p.m.   TWRC
        ADULT EVENTS                                          DIABETES SELF-EMPOWERMENT  I  AGES 18+
      DOWNSLOPE HORN QUARTET  I  AGES 18+                     Join us for a FREE series of four, two-hour long diabetes group classes.
                                                              These classes will help you to develop the tools you need to better
      Captivating concert with four French horns. They perform historic horn   manage your diabetes. Your goals may be to control your blood sugar,
      compositions and contemporary pieces. Free!             have more energy, spend less on health care, reduce diabetes symptoms
      331421-A   Tu     Nov 19         5:30-6:30 p.m.   TWAAC  such as blurred vision, headaches and constant visits to a bathroom and
      BAROQUE MUSIC CONCERT  I  AGES 18+                      feel better! Our classes are interactive and involve lively discussions.
                                                              You are welcome to attend one or all four classes. Feel free to bring your
      Join us for a free concert performed by the Colorado Chambers Players.     friend or family member for support. Classes will be led by a registered
      Free!                                                   dietitian from the Adams County Health Department. No class October 31.
      331422-A   Tu     Nov 12         4-5 p.m.      TWAAC    Free!
      BRASS QUEST CONCERT  I  AGES 18+                        318305-A   Th     Oct 10-Nov 7   9-11 a.m.      TWRC
      Join Brass Quest for an evening filled with holiday cheer! This Horn   GET IN SHAPE FOR THE PRE-HOLIDAYS
      and Tuba Brass Duo are a married couple, DeAunn Davis (Boulder   (SEMI-PRIVATE TRAINING)  I  AGES 18+
      Philharmonic) and Adam Snider (Boise Philharmonic, Central City Opera).
      Free!                                                   Start your resolution now and maintain it through the holidays. Workout
                                                              the whole body twice a week with 45-55 minutes of circuit training
      339404-A   Th     Dec 5          5:30-6:30 p.m.   TWAAC  (resistance training with cardio) in a fun and challenging way. Learn to
                                                              develop and or improve your training techniques and maximize your time
                                                              while getting ready for the holiday season. To ensure proper form and
           NEW! TRI & SURVIVE IRONMAN CHALLENGE               attention this class is limited to four people. Fees: $180R/$210NR
                             Page 46                          368701-A1    Mo/We  Oct 16-Nov 18   9-10 a.m.   TWRC
                                                              368701-A2    Tu/Th   Oct 15-Nov 21   9-10 a.m.   TWRC

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