Page 37 - 2024 Fall-Winter Activities Guide
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Level 2 classes are all about exploring creativity and enhancing cognitive YOUTH & TEEN OUTDOOR RECREATION
development through singing, dancing, and instrument play, while
grownups learn how to help unpack big emotions with music. Tagalong CATEYE TOUR I AGES 6-12
siblings are not permitted in class; please make use of on-site Childcare. This exploration will take place at night with participants searching for a
Our free app supports streaming class music from anywhere. series of cateyes (bicycle reflectors) with flashlights. Participants meet by
Fees: $55R/$69NR the tennis courts at Eastlake Open Space. Fees: $8R/$10NR
As we create a musical Vegetable Soup, introduce your toddler to carrots, 307910-A1 Fr Sep 27 7:30-8:30 p.m. Eastlake
corn, onions, celery, potatoes and tomatoes. Through old-fashioned 307910-A2 Fr Nov 1 6:30-7:30 p.m. Eastlake
rhymes like One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four, and a new- GPS TREASURE HUNT I AGES 6-12
fashioned Sweet Potato-Samba, we'll move to music in a way that relates This treasure hunt is similar to geocaching but adds elements of a
to mealtime at home. scavenger hunt. Participants will have fun locating hidden treasures in the
313701-A We Sep 4-25 10:15-11 a.m. TWRC open space area around Eastlake. Fees: $8R/$10NR
PET PARADE 307905-A1 Sa Sep 28 8-9 a.m. Eastlake
From dogs and cats to parrots and fish, come join our pet parade! We'll 307905-A2 Sa Nov 2 8-9 a.m. Eastlake
explore our theme by listening to real animal sounds and singing well-
loved songs like Bingo. We'll also learn the syncopated rhythm of the NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY I AGES 8+
blues in a song about a dog named Rags. No Class October 16 Join us for this beginner photography course to learn how to take great
313701-B We Oct 9-Nov 6 10:15-11 a.m. TWRC nature photos. You can use your cellphone or a digital camera.
We'll reconnect our relationships with grandparents, pretend to call 307920-A1 Sa Sep 28 10-11 a.m. Eastlake
a friend on the phone, practice Please and Thank You, and even do a 307920-A2 Sa Nov 2 10-11 a.m. Lake McKay
socially distanced Shake Hands greeting dance! No class November 27. EXPLORING WITH GRANDKIDS I AGES 5+
313701-C We Nov 13-Dec 11 10:15-11 a.m. TWRC Want to try doing something different with your children to meet new
INTRODUCTION TO THE people at the same time? These guided trips with Bruce Baker are a great
ORCHESTRA QUINTET I ALL AGES opportunity to explore new places and events. Fees are per person. We
Families will interact with musicians as they are guided through an will meet at the Active Adult Center.
introduction to the orchestra, learning about the families of the orchestra FORT COLLINS TROLLEY
and basic music terminology like tempo and dynamics. The audience will Built in 1907, the Fort Collins Trolley Line is one of the oldest in the United
be invited to interact with the music, answer questions about what they States. The registration fee is per person and includes transportation to
hear, and even get the chance to become the percussion section at the and from Fort Collins. Please bring additional money for lunch or you can
end of the program! Following the performance, kids will be able to get pack your own and the trolley ride ($1.00 per person). Fees: $15R/$18NR
hands on with an Instrument Petting Zoo. Free! 307930-A Sa Sep 28 9 a.m.-2 p.m. AAC
391546-A Sa Sep 14 11 a.m.-1 p.m. TACC
391546-B Sa Oct 12 11 a.m.-1 p.m. TACC FOUR MILE HISTORIC PARK
EXPLORE MUSIC WITH The Four Mile Historic Park is a gateway to Denver's western heritage,
offering a vibrant, 12-acre oasis with a working farm and Denver's oldest
INSIDE THE ORCHESTRA I AGES 6-10 standing structure; the Four Mile House Museum. The registration fee is
Join us for a series of teaching artist led classes from Inside the per person and is for transportation to and from the park. Please bring
Orchestra! Students will be guided through fun and immersive classes, lunch and money for the museum entrance ($6.00 for kids, and $7.00 for
crafts and activities. Topics will include expressing music in visual art, the seniors). Fees: $12R/$14NR
science of sound, composition and more. Fees: $48R/NR 307930-B Sa Oct 19 9 a.m.-2 p.m. AAC
393504-A We Oct 23-Nov 20 4:30-5:30 p.m. TACC DINOSAUR RIDGE & MUSEUM
KINDERMUSIK HOLIDAY PLAYDATE I AGES 1½-4 Take a short 1.5-mile roundtrip hike up to the 1876 fossil excavation. The
Surrounded by the sounds of the season, this is the perfect opportunity first identified Stegosaurus fossils in the world were discovered here,
to come and see what Kindermusik is about. As we tell the story of The along with other well-known dinosaurs. The registration fee is per person
Night Before Christmas, we'll jingle along with Jingle Bells, clip-clop our and is for transportation to and from the site. Please bring lunch and
horses Over the River and Through the Woods, march out our Joy to money for the museum entrance fee ($4.00 per person).
the World and rock to Silent Night. You'll even take home a holiday mp3 Fees: $12R/$14NR
album to enjoy for the holidays! Fees: $15R/$20NR
313702-A Tu Dec 17 10:15-11 a.m. TWRC 307930-C Sa Nov 9 9 a.m.-2 p.m. AAC
313702-B We Dec 18 10:15-11 a.m. TWRC HAMMONDS CANDY TOUR
Ever wonder how lollipops, candy canes and other Hammond’s treats are
made? Bring your curiosity and your sweet tooth for a complimentary tour
PERFECT HOLIDAY GIFT PROGRAM of our factory. The registration fee is per person. Fees: $10R/$12NR
Page 25 307930-D Fr Dec 20 9 a.m.-2 p.m. AAC
Enrichment programs are taught by contractual instructors who plan the programs
based upon the number of students that are registered 48-hours prior to the start of the program.
We cannot grant refunds, credits or transfer requests after
48-hours prior to the start of the class.