Page 114 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 114

The ministry of Spirit is the required and needed ministerial type to lift up the
            lifes  of  Lord  Jesus’  followers  to  the  higher-dimensional  level  i.e.  the  life  of  extra-
            dimensional (spiritual) dominance. This is the typical life of people led by Holy Spirit
            where miraculous events become parts of daily life. Only through the Spirit ministry
            (I)NJE may be prepared and empowered to implement the Great Commission to the
            end of the earth.  Therefore the end of third period was signified by the commitment
            of ‘life’s dimensional lifting up’ and consequently by the continuation of the movement
            of implementing ‘the Great Commission to the end of the earth’. This commitment was
            put  and  shared  to  all  NJE  activists  in  Mukernas  Batam-NJE’s  20   Anniversary  in
            Singapore, 2019: LEAVE LOCAL GO GLOBAL. Hallelujah, praise the Lord, Almighty God.
            Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world!

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