Page 118 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 118

2. The Evangelical Performance in 2014 and 2015.

            The results of the performance of the evangelization in the year 2014 and several
            related charts were given below. The total number of crusade locations finished in that
            year was 21 locations with 70% of locations were split equally among 5 provinces i.e.
            South Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi and East Nusa
            Tenggara.  Each  province  had  contributed  14%  of  the  total  performed  crusade

                  The distribution of crusade locations based on the reference pastors was also
            equal  among  5  pastors.  It  showed  that  the  active  pastors  who  had  proposed  and
            guided  the  crusades  until  the  successful  implementations  were  of  the  signicant

                             The Performed Domestic Crusades in 2014-2015
            Year 2014 : Locations of the Performed Crusades/Seminars in year 2014

             No.    Date              Location             Province       Reference
              1  January 25, 2014 Kediri (seminar)     East Java    Ps. Paulus Jayadi
              2    April 25, 2014 Sidak, Sumiak        West Kalimantan  Ps. Ferry A. Bella
              3    April 26, 2014 Toho                 West Kalimantan  Ps. Ferry A. Bella
              4    April 26, 2014 Sadaniang            West Kalimantan  Ps. Ferry A. Bella
              5    May 22, 2014 Manado (Youth Crusade)  North Sulawesi  Ps. Morris Watuseke
              6    May 23, 2014 Langoan                North Sulawesi  Ps. Morris Watuseke
              7    May 24, 2014 Langoan                North Sulawesi  Ps. Morris Watuseke
              8     June 3, 2014 Jatisrono             Central Java  Ps. Paulus Jayadi
              9    June 28, 2014 Gombong               Central Java  Ps. Paulus Jayadi & Ev. Yohanes
             10   August 29, 2014 Sobawawi, Waikabubak, Southwest Sumba  East Nusa Tenggara  Ps. Dolfi J. Mingkit
             11   August 30, 2014 Kec. Tana Righu, West Sumba  East Nusa Tenggara  Ps. Dolfi J. Mingkit
             12 September 20, 2014 Ds. Lelilef, Central Halmahera  North Maluku  Ps. Farly Masengi
             13  October 16, 2014 Barangtongkok, Melak  East Kalimantan  Ps. Alex Maukar
             14  October 17, 2014 Barangtongkok, Melak  East Kalimantan  Ps. Alex Maukar
             15  October 18, 2014 Samarinda            East Kalimantan  Ps. Alex Maukar
             16 November 28, 2014 Ds. Dewua, Kab. Poso  Central Sulawesi  Ps. Adrianus Lamajido
             17 November 29, 2014 Ds. Sanjinora, Kab. Poso  Central Sulawesi  Ps. Adrianus Lamajido
             18 November 30, 2014 Ds. Tompe, Kab. Poso  Central Sulawesi  Ps. Adrianus Lamajido
             19  December 2, 2014 Ds. Bumi Asih, Kab. Tanah Laut  South Kalimantan  Ps. Victor Kiwol
             20  December 3, 2014 Ds. Damit Hulu, Kab. Tanah Laut  South Kalimantan  Ps. Victor Kiwol
             21  December 4, 2014 Ds. Jilatan Alur, Kab. Tanah Laut  South Kalimantan  Ps. Victor Kiwol

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