Page 122 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 122

Chapter 4
                      Evangelical Services based on the Annual Gathering 2016

                                            Ev. Dr. Benny Gozali
            1.  The Opening Words from the Head of Gathering Committee 2016.


            In His great love and grace for all of us, NJE has published this book which contains a
            summary of the Mukernas activities held on Jan 8-9, 2016 in Puncak, Cipanas, West
            Java. The book’s publication served as one of the evidences of the providence of the
            Lord Jesus, the book is also expected to raise the spirit of loving and serving God inside
            all of the people who will read it. The people of God who always want to please God
            by doing what He wants in their lives.
                  Many thanks to Father God, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit and to each of His
            servants as well who has responded to His call by faithfully carrying out his(her)duties
            and responsibilities within NJE’s scopes. How powerful and extraordinary is our Lord
            Jesus  Christ  especially  in  keeping  and  maintaining  well  NJE  from  the  time  of  its
            establishment in 1999 until today. There were many things that God had done in (and
            through) NJE from any one year to another year in the past. And looking at His various
            ways, it makes us more amazed and readily-believed in His participation until today.
            Surely, in the coming days, we also believe that God will continue to reveal His glory
            through NJE to more and more people who were being served by all the servants of
            God involved in NJE. That He is really the Lord and Saviour of this world.
                  In 2015, NJE has done the evangelical services in the context of God's Great
            Commission in 50 cities in Indonesia just in one year. This is really something that has
            never happened and thought before, but only because of His grace, all of those works
            have been done so well. Not because of the greatness or strength of the leaders,
            administrators and activists, but because of God's power and mercy upon NJE. May His
            name always be increasingly glorified!

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