Page 123 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 123

The  2016  NJE  national  gathering  has  just  passed,  with  the  presence  of  all
            members. Some came from out of Jakarta up to 3-hour flying with high enthusiasms
            and also significant sacrifices i.e. at their own expenses. In this Mukernas event, God
            also spoke through the leader of NJE, Ev.DR.Ir. Andreas Hartanto, SSi, MSi that all of
            us,no matter who, God could use him (her) as His pillars in the NJE’s organisations,
            either as Elisha pillars, Jehu pillars or Hazael pillars to fulfill God's vision and mission as
            given in the Great Commission. What did we mean by these pillars? For more details
            about the three pillars, please kindly read the next page in this book.

                  The overwhelming responses to God's words were delivered immediately by
            many participants who also presented their ideas in the opportunity given. We believe
            that our Lord Jesus as the Owner and Head of NJE will continue accordingly to equip
            and bring NJE to reach further and farther, saving more and more the lost souls. May
            our Lord also reveal His glory to each person who responds and implements His calling
            task  seriously  and  faithfully.Let  us  carry  out  God's  holy  calling  faithfully  and  truly
            because there are great, beautiful purposes and plans for each of His servants. Let’s
            respond to His words, fulfill His call and carry out His Great Commission (Matthew 28:
            19-20) as long as there is still time i.e. the opportunity for evangelization is still open.
            Congratulations  to  all  NJE  members,administrators,  regional  coordinators  and
            assistant  coordinators  and  activists  as  well  wherever  they  are!  May  God  provide
            abundantly the glowing and burning spirits to NJE people until HE comes the second
            time, or until HE lifts us up to meet Him in the sky. God bless.......NJE.Amen!

            2.  The title of the Gathering’s Sermon.

            The sermon’s content referred by the above-mentioned opening words was titled as

            On the ‘Wise as Serpent’in the Triumvirate: Elisha, Jehu and Hazael.

            The sermon was based on 1 Kings 19: 9-18, 19-21 in principle but also referring to 2
            Kings 9: 1-37, 10: 1-36.

                  The complete content of the sermon is not given in this book, due to limited
            space, but can be found in a separate place in the INJE’s website with the following
            address:                         (to be established later).

            The plan of the Next NJE Annual Gathering.
            BALI, JANUARY 2017.

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