Page 222 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
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Group) at Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia – LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science)
and the political specialist (tenaga ahli) to the Member of Parliament (Dewan
Perwakilan Rakyat – DPR) of Indonesia for some years.
Mr. Hartanto was graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung – ITB (Bandung
Institute of Technology) in Particle Physics (Dr.) with cum-laude predicate (2013). He
obtained his Master degree in Particle Physics (M.Si) in 2004 and in Political Science
(M.IP) in 2017, both with predicate sangat memuaskan (very satisfactory), from
University of Indonesia (UI). And he also finished and obtained his engineer degree (Ir.)
in 1983, from University of Gadjah Mada (UGM). The last but not the least, his
undergraduate degrees were achieved in Mathematics (S.Si) in 1993 and Economics
(S.E) in 2022, both from Open University (Universitas Terbuka – UT).