Page 223 - Introduction to New Jerusalem Evangelism_Neat
P. 223
EBENHAEZER! God has been so good to NJE and that this book was intended to testify
about His goodness, love and also miracles for His children. And that the testimony not
only showed His power and greatness as the unlimited multi-dimensional God but also
His unmeasurable love to the limited 4-dimensional human being. His great love is
much larger, wider, longer and deeper than what could be understood from His
sacrifices on the cross.
Lord Jesus’ suffering in the crucifixion was so amazingly terrible, dramatically
horrible and surely unbearable to most human beings. But this was truly still so tiny in
comparison to His sufferings when He had been transformed from the unlimited
infinite-dimensional God into the very limited 4-dimensional human being. The human
body is microscopically too small for God who had created the very gigantic 4-
dimensional universe. This truly atomic confinement of superpower God in human
body for 33 years was actually the greatest suffering of God which had never happened
before and will not happen again forever. This strikingly great God’s suffering can
reasonably be used for the measurement of how great His Love to human beings i.e.
the sinners. That is you, and me!
Jesus called us to receive His love, salvation and eternal life. And He had only
demanded us to witness for Him. To go and preach the Gospel to all nations, to follow
Him and participate in the Great Commission! Let’s join God’s workers. Do not delay
or waste your time! Praise Father God, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit forever and
ever! Amen.