Page 16 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 16

One of the crusades in Asahan district, North Sumatra, was performed in the
            school yard while the other in the soccer field of the village. The crusades were
            coordinated by Ps. Adri Lamajido, the local pastor, who also monitored the
            happenings in the proximity areas. As reported, one heart patient from one of the
            neighbouring houses got healed after hearing the words of God as being preached
            from the stage in the soccer field eventhough he did not physically attend the crusade
            there. On the contrary, obstructions and violent threats did emerge from a group of
            people who objected with the crusade and protested to the village chief (Lurah). They
            demanded the dismissal of the crusade without delay otherwise they would attack
            the congregation overthere immediately and violently. Based on the latest
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